Post your picture thread


Well-known member
SERIOUSLY?! I sense NO social anxieties here...guess I'm doing pretty horrible... :(
a n d I'm t a l k i n g a b o u t p i c s l i k e t h e o n e a b o v e m e . . .

She has agoraphobia. The site isn't strictly SA.

Also, try not to measure your own progress against another persons. We all deal with problems in different ways and measuring yourself to someone else will only lead to disappointment.


Well-known member
yes, hence the user name, i'm agoraphobic.. and though it used to be severe, i've worked really hard to be able to hang out with my friends again.. sorry you had a problem with my photo.


Well-known member
The more I stall posting this the less I feel inclined.
I'm attempting exposure therapy here, so I've chosen 3 representations of my inner self.

The 'depressed' me, I generally hide:

The normal me, I share:

And the me restrained, kept unknown:


Well-known member
The more I stall posting this the less I feel inclined.
I'm attempting exposure therapy here, so I've chosen 3 representations of my inner self.

The 'depressed' me, I generally hide:

The normal me, I share:

And the me restrained, kept unknown:

do you want to be a model ?
Just like i said , beautiful :)


Well-known member
Wow you are absolutely beautiful :eek: /Is partly jealous and partly can't look away

And that last picture is a masterpiece.
But so is the first one.
I'm guessing you are very involved with art and photography? If so keep at it because it's really your thing!
And the me restrained, kept unknown:

ah, how was that one done? Very creative, well done. Yeah, this thought provoking picture ... best out of the three. My opinion. Isn't restrained part or teamed with depression?

But normal you is fantastic. Question, how long are you able to hold onto the normal you? No need to answer.
Hey people, just wanted to the problems i face and introduce my self as well. I feel unattractive all the time. I think i am unattractive. People here thin that they ugly. Its a joke, they aren't ugly at all. I am though, its a fact. Here my pic, tell me what you guys think. JUST BE HONEST. No need to tell me lies. They aren't going to help.

P5080073 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!


Well-known member
Hey people, just wanted to the problems i face and introduce my self as well. I feel unattractive all the time. I think i am unattractive. People here thin that they ugly. Its a joke, they aren't ugly at all. I am though, its a fact. Here my pic, tell me what you guys think. JUST BE HONEST. No need to tell me lies. They aren't going to help.

P5080073 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

You're not ugly, Sammy. I'd like to get a better understanding of what you consider ugly. Would you care to post a picture of a person whom you would normally find ugly? I ask because it's very easy for a person to judge themselves as ugly. Damnit. I just ended every single sentence with 'ugly'.


Well-known member
Hey people, just wanted to the problems i face and introduce my self as well. I feel unattractive all the time. I think i am unattractive. People here thin that they ugly. Its a joke, they aren't ugly at all. I am though, its a fact. Here my pic, tell me what you guys think. JUST BE HONEST. No need to tell me lies. They aren't going to help.

P5080073 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Dude, you're not ugly at all.

You're a good looking guy!


Well-known member
Hey people, just wanted to the problems i face and introduce my self as well. I feel unattractive all the time. I think i am unattractive. People here thin that they ugly. Its a joke, they aren't ugly at all. I am though, its a fact. Here my pic, tell me what you guys think. JUST BE HONEST. No need to tell me lies. They aren't going to help.

P5080073 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

I'm not gay, but I wouldn't think you were ugly if I walked past you in the street.
Hey sammyj786110, your not ugly, in a physical flesh jacket sense. Nobody is "ugly" or "beautiful". In the end, everybody is going to be a rotting corpse. Only then your true beauty/ugliness, will show. I think people could only be beautiful/ugly on the inside, their soul. In the physical world, there is one thing that can magnify your "looks" though, that is you confidence or lack of confidence. Chill out my Indian brotha, you coo mang.::p:

Thanks but , that just means you are ugly but dont worry you cant change it and just be happy with what you are. I guess thats the reality i face


Well-known member
3lefts - damn, you're incredibly pretty :) Also, great artistic photos, thats a neat talent

sammyj786110 - When I looked at your picture I thought "this guy could be the center of attention, gathering people at the pool-table and hitting on all the ladies, or he could be sitting in the corner of the bar alone, staring into the ground - or anywhere in between"
You're in fact not ugly, you just don't stand out much. If you can muster up a open and somewhat confident personality and tell a couple of jokes and such, you can easily get somewhere with a girl who shows interest.

Also, genetics work in mysterious ways. Do you have indian genes? Some white girl (example) might find you very attractive because this.
I find nearly every asian girl I see attractive. I wish I lived in Japan, my scandinavian looks would probably get me a date in no time :(