Post your picture thread


Well-known member
Ive gotten a few requests for this, and now that its come in, i figure ill post it.

This is me and my wife's wedding portrait. it finally came in. I love how only her bouquette and and my boutineer are colored while everything else is black and white...and plz forgive my horrendous spelling!!

Heres me with a pretty girl who decided to marry me....not sure how i managed to convince her of that but hey! :D

beautiful couple ^ ^


Well-known member
Pookahhhhh-- short hair suits you so much!
And with your big eyes and perfect brows, you look like a disney character >D

Me jealous.


Well-known member
I see that I'm going to have to book a trip up to New Jersey someday;)! Maybe we can slay dragons together! You look stunning Pookah::eek::! And I don't see any dark eye circles on you!


Well-known member
My dark eye circles and awesome gaming shirt. :p



Super pretty as always Pookah!!! And I love the shirt, haha!!!


Well-known member
Your looking great, Pookah. That shirt is awesome, by the way. It described me when I played World of War Craft.


Well-known member
Now we're having a special month here called Mottumars ( Mustache Mars ) when all men grow a mustache to remember and support to those people how are fighting cancer.



Well-known member
Now we're having a special month here called Mottumars ( Mustache Mars ) when all men grow a mustache to remember and support to those people how are fighting cancer.

I thought that's why Movember was created, during november :D

Anyway, nice stache!


Well-known member
Posted it on Facebook, so here it goes, a pic I took with the sunglasses they gave me after the eye surgery:

Edit: pic gone
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Well-known member
You look cool and handsome, Jones. ;)

Who says your weren't good looking? Lies.


Funny, cool picture, Jonas. ^.^
That's an interesting holiday.


Well-known member
Posted it on Facebook, so here it goes, a pic I took with the sunglasses they gave me after the eye surgery:

View attachment 2263
I like the oil effect on those sunglasses :D and I see you got a well grown beard there mate, suits you well :)
Funny, cool picture, Jonas. ^.^
That's an interesting holiday.

Thank you :) only thing is that now I have to trim it weekly, its going to be hard for a lazy person :S


Well-known member
This is the recent me.Sorry with all the green-lighting-thingy.My webcam's pretty old & the only form of camera I have with me currently soooo.....yeah. hahaha \m/
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