Post your picture thread


Well-known member
hate having my pic taken (lazy eye, jewish nose etc aren't camera friendly)...this only one got on my computer from year ago had to take for work ID (and told to be smiling to my dismay).
amazing how good looking people are in this thread and are here, but I guess everyones got their own problems.

I don't see anything wrong with you teandtoast! You look nice:)!


Hi everyone, I'm new here. I think you are all so pretty, and brave :)! This is me a few years ago at a night club :) I've changed my style since then, but I don't have any recent pictures.



Well-known member
Over a two years old picture. Eh, this is the very first time I've posted a picture of myself on the internet ever. Except on Facebook. Taken in Greece.



Hie yer hence from me heath!
Here's a couple before and after pictures. Taken a few hours apart. I've trimmed the beard down. :)


  • SAM_0485.jpg
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  • SAM_0499.jpg
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Well-known member
What a lovely T-shirt you're wearing :D

Thanks mate! :D

狼;579695 said:
Wow Greece must have been really amazing. How long were you there? Welcome:cool:

I have been to Greece many times. :-D It's only a four/five hour flight to get there. That time, it was one week long trip. And Greece is a very pleasant place to have a great vacation in warmness. :) And thanks! : )


Well-known member
You look awesome. You come across as very comfortable
(I don't mean cushiony :p, comfortable in your body/life/style etc)

Thank you for saying this. After living with Body Dysmorphic Disorder for so long, I am finally starting to feel more comfortable looking in the mirror and to know that that feeling can be picked up by someone makes me happy. :)


Well-known member
Thank you jonas, Mickey and rebyoo. You are very kind :)

Oh, and jonas, now that I think about it I was messing with the webcam's definitions some time back and playing with filters, maybe I messed it up. I have put it on the default settings again.
well that's the best way to learn on your stuff, play with as much as you can, that's the best way to learn from it or that is what I always think :p
This was me last month.

peace R3X ;)