Post your picture thread


Well-known member
Me this past Summer. Sorry its so dang big...always have that problem...cant figure out how to make them smaller.

Looking good, mate. :)

Ooh, red hair. Looking good here, too.


Well-known member

This is a few months old, my hair is now shorter and I've shaven like once or twice since this picture ::p:

Also I'm terrified of posting this but seeing so many of you push yourselves out of your comfort zone to post here has finally given me the confidence to follow suit.


Well-known member

Your look like a cool lay back guy. Good looking as well.


I love your red hair. Your eyes are also lovely.:)


Your looks kinda dark, I like it.
Your very cute, by the way.


Well-known member

This is a few months old, my hair is now shorter and I've shaven like once or twice since this picture ::p:

Also I'm terrified of posting this but seeing so many of you push yourselves out of your comfort zone to post here has finally given me the confidence to follow suit.

bad ass I think ;)


Well-known member

This is a few months old, my hair is now shorter and I've shaven like once or twice since this picture ::p:

Also I'm terrified of posting this but seeing so many of you push yourselves out of your comfort zone to post here has finally given me the confidence to follow suit.

You look awesome. You come across as very comfortable
(I don't mean cushiony :p, comfortable in your body/life/style etc)


Well-known member
So, last week I took a photo. I was about to post it here, but I ended up thinking "what the hell are you doing?!" I gave up at the last minute and took my album down as well.
Today I'm feeling braver, so here it goes:


PS: If you are wondering why there's a chunk of hair missing on my right side (your left side), near the hair line, it's because my ocd ran rampant during the last couple of months, making me pull some of my hair off. I think I got it under control now, but it will take some time to grow back...

Also, I look kinda yellow, I don't know if it's the sun light or the webcam, oh well...

What a handsome guy.. you look great with yellow skin :p


Well-known member
Great pic TryAgain :) well done for being brave, and getting on top of your ocd.

(Edit: and thanks eveyone for all the lovely comments, you're all so kind!)
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