Can't sell the xbox, it's our main source of exercise with the kinect.
Hehe , i gotta admit kinect sport's ping pong and soccer are pretty fun , and hilarious
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Can't sell the xbox, it's our main source of exercise with the kinect.
You look pretty, Saskia :} Do you play soccer or are you just a fan of it?
This is a newer photo. after hair-cut.
hehe Your camera quality always blows me away! ahh! Are you a professional photographer?
That burger looks awesome. Those fries, on the other hand....
The best burger I have ever eaten. (Notice the smile at it's awsomeness)
i wanna see a picture of you in that uniform!
I want to see a picture of her without the uniform.
I must say, Saskia~ lovely natural hair colour. So pretty!
And you look cool as always!
Me Like just a few minutes ago, been a while since I smiled on camera so this is like... yea... I'm feeling a bit uplifted for some reason
It's good that you feel happy! Nice smile, by the way! Makes you look even more good-looking! Hope you continue to feel that way!
You're a firefighter? Utmost respect!Yeah I know it isn't me but my old uniform got given to one of my best friends, I has a sad nowThey wouldn't let me take it home but gave it away? *Cries*
SPV is uplifted!! Yay!
I hope you can stay that way for awhile! Enjoy it! Go scream from the rooftops!!! ...or maybe not... haha