Post what you hate


Well-known member
^ Same here! I don't like the fruit, I certainly don't like those cherry cordial things, or cherry kool-aid, cherry flavored lollipops/candy, bleh. Anyone else think it tastes like Benadryl? Or maybe it's just me? :rolleyes:

Same goes for grape. I can't stand grape flavored anything, unless it's the actual fruit. Artificial grape flavor doesn't even come close to tasting like an actual grape.

The, ditto on the grape flavor too but I love normal grapes!!!


Well-known member
Damn, that's crazy...!

Tell me about it! That's what happened lastnight when I was at a friend of a friends house. She kept feeling my leg and saying things like, oh I like your beard, oh I like your hat. I just kept giving my friends the, let's please get the hell out of here look. So we did. So awkward but I guess a good laugh now.

Mr Motivator

Active member
the 'justice' system, my unstoppable laziness, ignorant people, back stabbers, the usual really. i think im quite a bitter person at heart lol, apparently even my smile looks angry :|


I hate negativity and complaining :) haha.

lol....and people that think they are right about everything. Its like their mind is narrow minded. They can't handle that people are different and think just cant reason with them, its their view or no view other than theirs. Some people don't like to accept that maybe they are wrong or to try and understand things even if it is wrong. Now l'm complaining :D


People who dont think about other people or who ignore social problems because it makes them feel too uncomfortable - or have no understanding of why people are the way that they are.

People who sacrifice their own personality simply for acceptance annoys me.

People with no compassion or consideration for other human beings have no place in my life.


Over the top optimism bothers me a bit too - oh wait I already mentioned that must really bother me I guess.


Well-known member
Re: guess I'm annoying

I HATE complainers and Wingers. Its a big turn off.
I went to the Gold Coast in January 2010 (or 2009...boy the years fly by). Anyway, there was 4 of us and one of the girls in the group did nothing but whinge for the whole trip. She got cranky at everyone for no reason and I have vowed never to go on holidays again with her, and I haven't. She almost ruined the trip for me. I still don't know why she was so angry at everyone.

I do this. I wish I didn't.
You shouldn't. You seem like a lovely person normally. :)


Well-known member
People who have a strong negative opinion on something....that they really have no knowledge about.
Never really cared to look into it..Just hate and preach against it as if they've done extensive research.
But are really ignorant on the subject.


Well-known member
I hate that I can't make it in this world.
I hate that I am so cold.
I hate that I'm mean.
I hate that I can't show that I care.
I hate that everyone hates me.
I hate that no one will let me be their friend.
I hate that everyone seems to seriously think I'm a freak.


Well-known member
Judging by your posts that ive seen.
Those things just aren't true. ;)
Well.... Maybe number 2...depending on if you're speaking of body temperature or attitude.heh
Number 3 is especially false !


Well-known member
I hate that I can't make it in this world.
I hate that I am so cold.
I hate that I'm mean.
I hate that I can't show that I care.
I hate that everyone hates me.
I hate that no one will let me be their friend.
I hate that everyone seems to seriously think I'm a freak.

For real, ShyAngel... I like you - what I know of you, I like. Maybe this is non real life communication, but still its worth something, I believe.


Well-known member
Judging by your posts that ive seen.
Those things just aren't true. ;)
Well.... Maybe number 2...depending on if you're speaking of body temperature or attitude.heh
Number 3 is especially false !

Hehehe, well, thanks, I'm glade you think so.:)
I act kind of emotionless in real life, that's what I mean about the cold thing.


Well-known member
I hate that I can't make it in this world.
I hate that I am so cold.
I hate that I'm mean.
I hate that I can't show that I care.
I hate that everyone hates me.
I hate that no one will let me be their friend.
I hate that everyone seems to seriously think I'm a freak.

*Give you a blanket and some hot chocolate with big marshmallows*

You are far from being mean, I don't think there is a single mean bone in your body. You are one of the nicest people on the forums You bring so much positivity to the forums. You are always so nice and helpful towards people and your posts are always fun/funny; they are so light hearted.

No one here hates you, you're too nice and fun to be hated! Tons of people here would be honored to be your friend and absolutely no one here thinks that you are a freak. You're awesome!

I know that we are only people online, but I am sure the same is true for the people in the outside world too. You just have to show them this awesome side of you and then they will start coming around more often.

Edit to add... I always feel so awkward when a bunch of people reply to a post I am replying to as I am replying. Makes me look silly sometimes.


Well-known member
I hate that I can't make it in this world.
I hate that I am so cold.
I hate that I'm mean.
I hate that I can't show that I care.
I hate that everyone hates me.
I hate that no one will let me be their friend.
I hate that everyone seems to seriously think I'm a freak.
^ You've proven the opposite with every single one of those here. You're not a cold person, no way are you mean, you've showed that you've cared many times, we don't hate you and I don't see how anyone could, I'll let you be my friend, and you've made plenty of friends here already, and no one thinks you're a freak, certainly not here.


Well-known member
I hate that I can't make it in this world.
I hate that I am so cold.
I hate that I'm mean.
I hate that I can't show that I care.
I hate that everyone hates me.
I hate that no one will let me be their friend.
I hate that everyone seems to seriously think I'm a freak.
I'm just reiterating what everyone else had said, but these are certainly not true. I like you and I consider you a friend on here. You're funny and I love your attitude to everything. :) *hugs*