Post what you hate


I hate politicians and bureaucrats who think they have the right to spend tax payers money on personal holidays and self indulge on luxurious items they dont need, when they should be using that money to improve the quality of life for the people of the country whose best interests they are supposed to have in mind.

Sorry to interrupt. I shouldnt read newspapers sometimes.


Well-known member
Somebody on your mind, Shyangel? ::(:

My only boyfriend and friend in general for the last 5 years broke up with me awhile ago and I'm still having trouble dealing with it...Thanks for caring :)

Were not exactly broke up at this moment though. We still talk to each other everyday and say we love each other, but it isn't the same, and it's that lack of sameness that's hurting me. I't hard to hear the voice of someone you really love/loved and have it sound hollow and cold. This is a pain I'm confronting everyday whenever I talk to him, then I remember all to clearly what isn't there anymore. But it feels so wrong to leave him....

I'm seriously giving TMI on these forums. lol

I hate that I'm soooooo naive.


Well-known member
I hate politicians and bureaucrats who think they have the right to spend tax payers money on personal holidays and self indulge on luxurious items they dont need, when they should be using that money to improve the quality of life for the people of the country whose best interests they are supposed to have in mind.

Sorry to interrupt. I shouldnt read newspapers sometimes.
Newspapers do tend to embellish stories a little bit for sales, but I do believe that some bigwigs are too frivolous with money. Reading the news can depress you, as it does to me, so I try to stay away from it (even though I do have one bookmarked...).

My only boyfriend and friend in general for the last 5 years broke up with me awhile ago and I'm still having trouble dealing with it...Thanks for caring :)

Were not exactly broke up at this moment though. We still talk to each other everyday and say we love each other, but it isn't the same, and it's that lack of sameness that's hurting me. I't hard to hear the voice of someone you really love/loved and have it sound hollow and cold. This is a pain I'm confronting everyday whenever I talk to him, then I remember all to clearly what isn't there anymore. But it feels so wrong to leave him....

I'm seriously giving TMI on these forums. lol

I hate that I'm soooooo naive.
I don't want you to share anything you don't want to on the forum, but yeah, that really sucks. If the feeling isn't there between the two of you, that can really be awful. I had the same thing happen to me a few years ago, albeit not as severe as this. Sorry to hear you're going through so much pain about it. If you want to chat about anything, my inbox is always available.


Well-known member
Thanks, Mikey, I really appreciate that.

Your too sweet, your mama must fed you to much sugar as a child....Ha, I'm so funny. lol


Well-known member
*pats belly* Far too much sugar! ;)


I'm sure you belly's just fine...It's better then being one of those emo boys that are stick thin, right?...But, they do seem to get alot tush despite that...another mystery.

I hate skinny emo boys.....It's just not natural...


Well-known member

I'm sure you belly's just fine...It's better then being one of those emo boys that are stick thin, right?...But, they do seem to get alot tush despite that...another mystery.

I hate skinny emo boys.....It's just not natural...
Haha, you make a very good point. :D Stick-thinness isn't attractive. Which leads me to:

I hate girls who are too skinny. In fact, a little bit of beef is appealing and a sign that you're healthy. Going for the unrealistic weights that magazines and the media portray is not healthy at all.


Well-known member
I don't know why women do that. individuality is it what makes the world interesting, and here we are trying so hard to get rid of whatever sets us apart from others by changing ourselves to suit some unrealistic image. After all is said and done, you've gained nothing and you look like another clone of society. I don't know why they complain about gaining weight anyway, some people can't do that you know, like me. lol

I wish I could gain weight then people would stop taking me for a 15 year old. lol


Well-known member
I don't know why women do that. individuality is it what makes the world interesting, and here we are trying so hard to get rid of whatever sets us apart from others by changing ourselves to suit some unrealistic image. After all is said and done, you've gained nothing and you look like another clone of society. I don't know why they complain about gaining weight anyway, some people can't do that you know, like me. lol

I wish I could gain weight then people would stop taking me for a 15 year old. lol
What I was getting at was that it's okay to lose weight if you want, but don't be a stick figure. I have seen girls who look anorexic and it's not attractive.

If you want to gain weight, maybe a few more trips to McDonald's will help you? :D


I do believe that some bigwigs are too frivolous with money.

Yeah... I dont care about frivolity. People can spend their money however they wish as long as its their OWN money. Its the injustice of it that annoys me....and the fact that they get away with it. Its stealing and It is not fair...

Thanks, Mikey, I really appreciate that.
Mikey is a good man.

I hate worrying about what other people think of me!!
Amen to that.

Sorry to interrupt...again...the flow I mean. I hope everyone feels better with their troubles. :D


Well-known member
Yeah... I dont care about frivolity. People can spend their money however they wish as long as its their OWN money. Its the injustice of it that annoys me....and the fact that they get away with it. Its stealing and It is not fair...
But there's absolutely nothing we can do about that. We can complain and protest and hit the streets and nothing will happen. Oh, wait, we already did that. Occupy Wall Street. I wonder how that's going.... :rolleyes:

Man, I could discuss corporations and capitalism with you all day, but maybe we should not do that on this thread, haha.

Mikey is a good man.
::eek:: I'm really not.

Sorry to interrupt...again...the flow I mean. I hope everyone feels better with their troubles. :D
In no way are you interrupting, my friend.


Well-known member
• I hate when you hock up phlem really loud in the sink every morning and wake me up with that hockkkkkkkkkkkkkk Ptttttshhhh. Then you smell/taste the spit/man breath in the mouth wash.

• I hate what I type. (Later) I love it, (later) then hate it agian. *indecisive*

• I hate it that I still think about that time....


Well-known member
• I hate when you hock up phlem really loud in the sink every morning and wake me up with that hockkkkkkkkkkkkkk Ptttttshhhh. Then you smell/taste the spit/man breath in the mouth wash.
You would hate to live in my room, then! The guy next door is right outside my window and every day he coughs and hacks and spits and he seems to try and get phlegm from his feet into his throat. It's a cringe-worthy noise that I can hear all too clearly from my window.


Well-known member
You would hate to live in my room, then! The guy next door is right outside my window and every day he coughs and hacks and spits and he seems to try and get phlegm from his feet into his throat. It's a cringe-worthy noise that I can hear all too clearly from my window.

::(: No, I just can't listen to people heaving mucus. If they were sick, I would understand but every morning, why?


Well-known member
What I was getting at was that it's okay to lose weight if you want, but don't be a stick figure. I have seen girls who look anorexic and it's not attractive.

If you want to gain weight, maybe a few more trips to McDonald's will help you? :D

Nothing can make me gain weight, Mikey, nothing! I eat nothing but junk food then sit in front of my computer all day, if that doesn't do it, nothing will. lol

Something I hate...

I HATE mustard. It has the consistency of ear wax and tastes like a combination of that an urine. I nearly want to punch myself in the mouth when I eat it.