Post what you hate


Active member
I hate really old women that are hotter than July for the dudes from Twilight and stupid Justin Bieber. Eew!

I hate high heels.

I hate people who can't pay their bills or feed their kids because they party too much and do drugs.

I hate orange fake tans. Especially in winter.

I hate friends who come to hang out and stay glued to their cell phone the entire evening.

I hate people who think something is crap because it is not "name brand".

I hate the way humans let race, religion, politics, gender, ideals and just all the d*mn hating divide us. Listen and compromise or let it go!

On a lighter note, I hate when I order a cheeseburger and they forget the cheese.


Well-known member
I hate friends who come to hang out and stay glued to their cell phone the entire evening.
You've mentioned a few good things in your list, but this is the one I want to focus on because I absolutely can't stand this. I understand the need for cell phones and how convenient they are and all that jazz, but there's no reason to stay glued to it, as you put it, all the time. I remember a few months ago, I was having dinner with a friend who I hadn't seen in over a year because she's in the Navy, and she had to stop conversation because she got a phone call. That's one situation in many I've been in where a cell phone has clearly inhibited by desire to converse.

Not only do I find it rude, but I find it depressing because I feel like I'm boring my conversational partner, no matter what the situation is. Am I talking too much? Am I not talking enough? Am I interesting enough?

If there's a break in conversation, then check for calls and messages, but if I'm having dinner with someone, I would like them to not be on their phones all the time.

On a lighter note, I hate when I order a cheeseburger and they forget the cheese.
I don't even know how that's possible, haha.


Well-known member
I hate not being able to stand up for myself and other people without becoming a worry wart.


Well-known member
I hate friends who come to hang out and stay glued to their cell phone the entire evening.

My ex does this a lot when he comes to visit the kid and I. It's either that or I get bombarded by his friends (at least it feels like it) in some other way.


Active member
i hate:
my insecurities, the way i feel about myself, my indecisiveness, my fear of people, my inability to stand up for myself, my lack of confidence in myself, my lack of hope, my laziness, the lack of structure in my life, my inability to do well in relationships (friendships) because i have a wall up and sometimes i dont act like myself, my inability to be completely honest with people because im always keeping secrets about myself


Well-known member
I hate that im losing my ability to pretend to be happy when im really not. My inner feelings start to seep out in my body language.


Active member
I hate that im losing my ability to pretend to be happy when im really not. My inner feelings start to seep out in my body language.
this happened to me. i used to put a smile on for everyone...but my smile slowly wore away and it just started to look like a very sad forced smile. i hated it when i saw it in pictures. i just wanna cry and cut my face out of the picture, but it's stuck there, forever.


Well-known member
i hate:
my insecurities, the way i feel about myself, my indecisiveness, my fear of people, my inability to stand up for myself, my lack of confidence in myself, my lack of hope, my laziness, the lack of structure in my life, my inability to do well in relationships (friendships) because i have a wall up and sometimes i dont act like myself, my inability to be completely honest with people because im always keeping secrets about myself
These are a lot of negative attributes you think about yourself. Is there anything you like about yourself?


Well-known member
I hate that no one understands me.

I hate that I'm so emotional and I hurt people because of it.

I hate that no matter how hard I try I'm not useful to anyone.

I hate that I can't let go of the only thing that made me happy when I have to in order to move on.

I hate that I think I love him even though he hurt me.

I hate that I blame myself for ruining the only thing I loved.

I hate that I think about your smile and I miss it even after everything.

I hate that I'm the reason no one will see that smile again.

I hate that I feel like I should hurt myself because of that pain I caused you.

I hate that I no longer so your beautiful soul in your eyes....They look dead.

I hate that there's nothing I want more then to see it again....

I hate that I would give anything to take away the pain I caused you.

I hate that I seemed to have killed the soul that I admired and loved more then a single other thing in the world.

I hate that I would maybe kill myself to undo the hurt I have done to your once beautiful soul.

I hate that I can't easily put it into words how much I loved you..

I hate that I used to be the reason your heart beat.

I hate that all I think about is you.

I also hate that I'm going on and on about this. lol