Post what you hate

^ Haha ::p:

Ever walk anywhere and your socks constantly slide down inside your shoes? Yeah, tends to always happen with certain socks when I wear my Converse.

Ahh. I always blame the socks. I like to wear the ones that only come up to your ankle, but I think I underestimate how big my feet actually are and get the wrong size. ;)


Well-known member
Guys who wear skinny jeans and then try to act hard and gangster
Racist internet trolls
Women who don't say thank you when you hold a door for them
Companys jacking up prices on things for no reason
unfriendly customer service
Evil people who are out to harm others.

Stupid cultures created to brainwash people and convince them that everyone else is their enemy.

People who judge others based on appearance/ethnicity and think they know everything about you so they treat you a certain way and there's no way to change their small minds.

People who assume.

People who jump to conclusions.

People who lie/spread rumors.

People who blindly believe them/don't analyze to see if it is true or not.

Dishonest people.

People who use you to get what they want with no regards to the damage they cause to others.

Hmmm most people in general. Haha.

I guess human nature is just foul in my opinion.

And kidney stones are pretty bad too.

Ali Ali

Crazy Scum Bags

People that give off that "i am better than you" vibe

People that underrate your abilities based on conjectures

What else is there to say...pretty much everything been mentioned.:rolleyes:
I hate the luck many people have just because they happen to be born into a certain type of family. It's just so unfair.


Well-known member
I hate the luck many people have just because they happen to be born into a certain type of family. It's just so unfair.
You can say that again. My best friend has been very lucky since birth, despite being born when his mum was only 16 or 17. He has had everything provided for him and he's the most content person I know. Damn his luck! But hey, life in general is unfair.

i hate that bitch who is shagging the love of my life just because she doesn't have sa.
There i said it.
Are you able to discuss it with him? It's sad when things like this happen, but that's sometimes unavoidable. ::(:


Well-known member
the thing I hate more then anything is people who abuse animals..i would just like 15 mins alone with ANYONE that can do that and no prosecution for me .as in anyone who would fight a pitbull...the things I would do with those people:eek:

also people who feel they are entitled to everything without having to work for it,just expecting it handed to them because they think they deserve it,,,as if the world revolves around them..IT DOESN'T!!!!!

people that have kids they can not support but expect other people to support..WTF,I didn't have them:rolleyes:

people who use the blame game for all their problems.There should come a time when people are responsible for their own actions and choices.

i hate some other things too ,but thats enough for now.

there are also plenty of things I love/like..guess thats for another thread:)