Post what you hate


Well-known member
I hate the way the world is: all about money, power, control. It doesn't matter who get crush, damage, eliminated or that we are destroying the planet.

I hate the fact that the word race even exist.

I hate countries, i just hate how divided the world is.

I hate those who hate me because i'm black

I hate those who like me because I'm black

I hate how if you don't fit into something you are not giving a chance

I hate not being a vegetarian

I hate being lazy

I hate the fact that i'm not doing anything to change the world except complaining about it

I hate the fact that I can't find a single reason to keep living my life except the fear of dying

I hate the fact that I think there is no point in life and that all we do is entertain ourselves until we simply die

I hate the fact that most humans think that the only thing that matters in this life is them, other living beings like animals or insects has no importance because they can't think like them.

I hate how hypocrite people are, if it doesn't apply to them then it's good or it doesn't matter.

I hate the way I think


The lack of appreciation for the gift of life


I have the power of that. It's amazing I'm still alive since deep immune system problems at age 7.

Every day is a bonus.

Everyone's in my face to prevent me from doing what I want to. From here, I expect a grand finale of rage, although I don't have the resources or knowledge to accomplish that. To bring people to their knees because they've prevented me from doing what i want, and making their profit from that.

I have nothing to lose. My storm is brewing. It is well bottled up.


Well-known member
I hate having to watch my daughter slowly starting to turn out like me!

On the up side she's still young and there is still time for her to change.


Well-known member
I hate people who show no concern for anyone else's problems, but whine about every little thing that happens to them, and expect everyone to show them sympathy.


Well-known member

I LOVE it. It's what actually makes me DO things and take things seriously and I focus more. When I have no or lack responsibilities or little ones I get apathetic and doubtful. So I guess I hate NO responsibilities! (okay sure it depends on THE responsibility if I'm responsible for cleaning up poopy toilets I'd rather not like that responsibility :D

When I'm walking along the pavement and somebody is walking at the same pace, in the same direction, in front or behind of me so that we end up walking in parallel for ages.

I hate when younger people or just people who walk slow in front of me for no good reason other then walking slow or thinking they're Joe cools and I cannot pass them for whatever reason (narrow walkway, steps, ESP steps... too much traffic). One time, I tried to pass a bloke with extra baggy jeans thinking he's all gangsta and he decided to stop right as I tried to pass him and we crashed into eachother. :mad:


Active member
Haha, I was about to post a long list of all the things I hate about others when in fact I just deeply hate myself...


Active member
So many rude people.

You have a whole freaking empty parking lot in which to walk, don't say "excuse you" because we didn't stop for your blonde bimboness, princess.


Well-known member
I instantly thought of this when I read the thread title. If you read the lyrics it is really a positive message that everyone should hear.

WARNING!!! There is one occurrence of the F-word in the intro. If you are offended don't listen. The rest of the song is clean however. Thank you.

Reagan Youth-I Hate,Hate - YouTube


I, as in M-E f***ing me!
Hate, as in H-A-T-E, hate!
I hate up and down - I hate hanging 'round
I hate here and there - I hate everywhere
I hate this and that - I hate where I'm at
I hate near and far - all you hate is all you are!

Why hate the life you live? Hate makes waste - I'm positive
Why waste the life you live? Life's to love - I'm positive

I hate one or two - I hate the world and you
I hate A to Z - I hate life and me

Why hate the life you live and hate yourself on top of it?
Why waste the life you live? Life's to love - I'm positive

I hate hate! I hate hate! I hate...hate!


Is life a losing war? There's no need to fight no more!
You don't have to lose no more - there's a way to win the war!
Stop loving hate and hating love - when the fighting ends the war is won!
Stop loving hate and hating love - when the fighting ends and all is one!

I hate hate!
I hate making any progress, only to regress back to where you started.

I hate when this happens over and over and over again and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again no matter what different method you try to stop it from happening again.

I hate the despair that you suffer through each time you regress.


Well-known member
I hate making any progress, only to regress back to where you started.

I hate when this happens over and over and over again and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again no matter what different method you try to stop it from happening again.

I hate the despair that you suffer through each time you regress.

Omg yes.I hate having to redo things.Happens all the time at work.I'll just finish an order only to find the client has changed their mind:mad:


Well-known member
I hate human evolution. Primordeal ooze sounds a good place to be right now.
And I hate the bastard who invented conscious. What a git.