Sorry I did such a poor job explaining to you why I had to stop going, I know it is an important part pf your life and it probably breaks your heart to see me not being a part of it. I tried for a long time to recapture the faith, and make it fit into what I knew to be true, but it got to the point I couldn't anymore. Maybe I reasoned and questioned too much, because once I did I stopped using faith and started using logic. They work separately, but they're not compatible and when mixed one is bound to engulf the other. It's really a lot of little things that pushed me over the edge, not one big problem. Maybe it's conceited for me to believe what I feel is right is over what I am told is, but I can't help but go with what my gut tells me. I recently came across a quote that has made me question what was originally the driving force in me losing my faith, which makes me feel even more that I thought I knew more than I did, as many kids do. I wish I had talked to someone about it, but as you know talking is difficult for me and I selfishly prioritized that over what probably should have been more important. I wish I was able to verbalize, or even textualize, what it is that was driving me away. I knew what I felt and thought, but not in terms that could be explained. Even if I was able to say I wouldn't have been able to say. I haven't rejected it, I've drifted well off the path but I'm still going. I was at first going down my own path, but I seem to have gotten lost pretty quickly and am now very lost. I don't trust any of my thoughts or feelings anymore, and just don't know where to go. I was naive to think my intuition would tell me all the answers and always direct me in the right direction, but having said that I don't know of any other solution. I need to go back, at least take a look at it again, see how it feels, what I think; but I'm afraid I'm too proud to admit I may have made a mistake. Also I'm afraid of doing it for the wrong reasons, because it would in a way raise my well being and mental health. I don't want to make a mockery of something so many people care so deeply about, that's why I requested to let me stay home Sunday mornings. Halfheartedly going full of doubt is worse than not going at all. I know that's a mouthful and I probably left some things out and mis-said some others, and was probably hard to follow, but that's the answer to your question. If you had some follow up specific questions I'd love to answer those too, or at least try to, as I really don't know anymore.