Post some random information about yourself

I don't like it when people try to converse with me while I'm eating. It doesn't make any sense to begin with, a mouth is occupied during this activity! >:c

I make acceptations when I really like someone, though. Then I don't mind.


I'm scared of:
Noises during the night
Losing loved ones
Bugs/spiders etc
Gosh i'm a chicken!
Witches etc in movies ( chitty chitty bang bang/ wizard of oz has scard me for life)


I can bend my pinky vertically up into my fist...

sometimes...when I am lonely... I draw a little face on it, and pretend I have a friend...
I house-sat for a friend while she went to Ireland. I was fine with her dog, geckos, gerbil, hamster, and fish, but I killed ALL of her plants.

I have broken my left arm twice, both times on a trampoline. I'm a cautionary tail - stay away from trampolines.

I stuck a paperclip in a light socket once. Don't do that, either. I burned my fingers and set a small fire on my bed.

I've once almost broken my neck . Had to go to the doctor and I had to stay home for 3 weeks from school from lots of pain, No trampoline for me either anymore!

I do still have pain in my neck a lot of times, it still affect the bone structure in my neck and it can hurt, but i am kinda used to it so I don't feel it everyday

I know the neck is the surface of stress so I should probably research if it has something to do with it, I am thinking about checking it out once again