Post some random information about yourself


Well-known member
People always think I'm loads younger than I really am. I often get mistaken for a teenager when I'm actually 23. Or they refer to me as the "little girl." I really don't think I look that young. :confused:

I'm the same way. People are always shocked when I tell them my age cause they think I'm a teenager. It was understandable when I was about 19 or 20, but it still happens. I recently turned 25 and about a week prior someone had asked me if I was in grade 12!!:eek: It's kind of insulting.


Well-known member
I have a fear of looking at photographs of aircraft flying over water! Especially largish printed photographs.

I don't have a problem flying or looking out the window even over water when flying in an aircraft!



Well-known member
The first book I ever read when I was very young was:
"The Three Investigators and The Secret of Terror Castle" :)


Well-known member
I follow through with some odd song ideas. Years ago I wrote lyrics for "Zombie Christ," which makes Jesus out to be a zombie. Luckily I haven't put it to music yet. Then there was "Nazi Gold," which has music but no lyrics. I guess I just couldn't find that elusive Nazi gold after all.

But the best one I came up with back in March. I'm calling it "P***s Love Song," and it unfortunately has both music and lyrics. It's sort of a Spinal Tap influenced rock ballad with an '80s feel to it. Worst of all, it's actually pretty catchy.

And no, I'm not posting those lyrics!



Well-known member
Well, noone could ever accuse you of writing boring songs Tiercel!!::p: I am so curious to hear the lyrics to that last one now though!!LOL:D;)

But if I PM them to you, Madam Squeaker, I'll have to PM them to everyone. And even I don't have that much free time.

I'll make you a deal. If I ever finish it, you'll be the first to know.

And my recording-happy buddy thinks he might want to record it if I ever finish it. So it's not quite an empty threat....



Well-known member
I love watching and listening to the rain, but not actually being out in it because my hair goes Buckwheat whenever it gets wet.

For those of you who aren't sure of what I mean by Buckwheat:



Well-known member
i'm overly obsessed with beauty products... make up, hair products, nail polish, anything! i could spend hundreds in minutes.. it's sad! haha.. i've got at least five different types of shampoo and conditioner and conditioning treatments in my shower at this moment, lmao

my nails are always painted. having said all that, i'm probably one of the biggest college football/sports in general fans that you may know..... :)