Post some random information about yourself


Well-known member
Self-deprecating humor.

If you don't get it, then you probably think I'm way too hard on myself.


Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
Yes Firefox, I'm aware that I am not on the absolute latest version of your browser, but I will upgrade when I want to upgrade, so please stop nagging me with the stupid popup window. Thank you. :)
My various dream careers: cop or detective, forensic pathologist, graphic artist, art historian, Broadway superstar, blogger extraordinaire, etc.
I was wondering where this thread went, but I was too lazy to go and find it.

I listened to Florence + the Machine's "Shake It Out" for an hour and a half straight a couple of days ago. Also, I really love Google's main page when they do fun stuff like this.


Well-known member
my favorite color is gray
i've never owned a car
i dont care about politics
i consider listening to podcast a form of socialising
whiskey is my hootch of choice.


Well-known member
One time I went to and watched a sonic vs metal sonic flash video and while they were fighting suddenly it switched from that to a Bill Cosby gif waving his hands while the song "Let me clear my throat" played.

It's like a weird version of getting rick rolled.


Well-known member
I was born with closed tear ducts and had three surgeries on my eyes before I was even 6 months old
And i have to make sure that whenever I buy pencil crayons or markers, that they have the colour written on each one since I am colorblind


Well-known member
Well, I have 3 dream careers. Nuclear or chemical physicist, (bio)chemistry professor and a psychologist. Oh yeah and I'm going to wear cat ears to all my jobs whether people like it or not >_>
I trip over my words a lot.
I like thunder storms and rain.
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Active member
I'm a bit of a "groupie"...I've seen a lot of bands but I've seen my two favorite bands almost 40 times and still counting...Even named my daughter after one!!


Well-known member
I can't stand cheese, but I can eat pizza.

I can't fall asleep if the radio is turned off.

I am Man Utd fan, but in the 2008 UCL final I wanted Chelsea to win, mainly because of Frank Lampard's tragedy (his mother died).

I also like thunderstorms and rain. I hate the moment when rain stops and the sun comes right after the rain. Like today.

When I am happy and without worries I tend to do mistakes. So I worry a lot about everything. When I am happy, I worry because I am happy...


Well-known member
I will! And you're invited to come program the computers! ;3! Or whatever you do with computers XD
But you have to wear cat ears too.
I can do anything with a computer.... from turning it on to turning it off :cool:

And I will do it with cat ears AND a cat tail.

I tried to go to work once with my human tailing hanging around, but for some reason my boss didn't like it :/


Well-known member
I can do anything with a computer.... from turning it on to turning it off :cool:

And I will do it with cat ears AND a cat tail.

I tried to go to work once with my human tailing hanging around, but for some reason my boss didn't like it :/

HAHAHA! Oh, Jonsey, I can just imagine why he didn't like that. :rolleyes:
And sounds like a deal to me. Cat ears, tail and cute bow. We'll match ;3.