I have a nasty addiction to Nutella! Not chocolate, just plain Nutella:::
Money laundering!I wash and iron my money (bills). It gives it this crinkly feel and it smells so good. More importantly, its clean xD
Nothing beats the smell of a new Barbie doll.Whenever i buy a new item; Book, magazine, clothing, shoes, cds etc
I like to sniff them because i love the ''new'' smell of stuff! My favourite smell i think is the smell of new leather!
I have two birthmarks on the other side of the wrist that makes it look like two watches
When I pee, two streams come out
I consider myself a man without a country.
I consider myself a man without a country.
what i want to see is a country without a man
I have braces, but chew bubble gum like crazy.
I can do this trick, but on a smaller scale: YouTube - Girl blowing a bubble
women only?
I saw a movie like that once.