Post some random information about yourself


Well-known member
I put ranch dressing on everything, it's the greatest food invented.

I used to collect t.v. guides.

When I was a kid I thought everyones eyes were cameras and they were taping me for a t.v. show that millions of people were watching somewhere. This was in the early 90's before truman show or reality t.v. got all popular.
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Well-known member
Whenever i buy a new item; Book, magazine, clothing, shoes, cds etc
I like to sniff them because i love the ''new'' smell of stuff! My favourite smell i think is the smell of new leather!
Nothing beats the smell of a new Barbie doll.
I lack the ability to see danger in situations that could be lethally dangerous. That's not bravery though, extreme stupidity more so. Yet I'm terribly afraid in situations that are perfectly safe (social phobia, go figure. ;)).
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Well-known member
I have two birthmarks on the other side of the wrist that makes it look like two watches

When I pee, two streams come out
I ran into a concrete post covered with wood shoulder first. Simply to avoid getting shot by paint. A month ago, still hurts.

Other than that I am alive.