I must have been about 4 years old when we were watching my parents set up a little kiddie pool for us. They repeatedly told me to stop jumping from the patio table to the moving glider, as I was bound to get hurt. Well.....
A few minutes later I had crashed mouth first into the back of said glider, severely screwing up my two front teeth. An emergency trip to the nearest dentist left me missing my two front teeth. I remember eating peaches and vanilla ice cream afterwards, since I guess mom felt sorry for me. So I guess it pays off to not listen to your parents.
Of course I had an awkward way of smiling for a few years. I was young enough to know that when people smiled they showed their teeth, so I showed mine, too. But I only had a full set on the bottom, so those were the ones I showed when I "smiled." Mom has several pictures where I'm smiling like that, and if ever I find one I'll post it.