Post a random fact about yourself...


Well-known member
Okay, I really hate this about myself.

I am a sore loser.

On the outside, I will appear calm and collected, but on the inside it's like my heart sinks and all my organs are being crushed. It doesn't even matter what the competition is - bowling, video games, a race - if I lose, I feel like it's all over and I'm not good enough. My friend has even commented about my competitiveness and how I take something fun and turn it into something serious.

I really hate this about me and it's been with me for as long as I can remember. I need to remember that losing a game of bowling is not the end of the world but that's not how I operate. :mad:

Man I know what you mean. I treat gym class like its the olympics. One time I was goalie in floor hockey and I let in the winning goal when it was tied up and it haunted me for a week straight. But unfortunetely for me I dont mask it as well.

When I lost fights in boxing(which was basically every fight) I would have such a child like hissy fit. When i went to the nationals i acted in a terrible manner and embarassed myself. When I lost I literally had a hissy fit in front of a few hundred people. I started swearing and I slapped the guys hand when he went to shake mine. I grabbed my medal from the guy giving it out without shaking his hand then stormed out of the ring back to the locker room. I could hear people like "what a loser" "Stop taking out the fact you suck on everybody else" and I went crazy. I went to the locker room and started smashing the wall and stuff. I threw my bag and started kicking everything in sight,then I locked myself in the stall and cried like a little girl having a tantrum. It is probably one of the most embarassing moments of my life,I heavily regret it.
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Okay, here is something I'm a little embarrassed about. I'm hoping someone else does something similar.

I'm a weird eater. I don't ever eat something as it is meant to be eaten. I pick all of the cheese and toppings off of pizza, then eat the crust. Sometimes I take sandwiches apart and eat them layer by layer. I don't know when I started this and I don't know why. I don't do it all the time, but my family always makes fun of me when I do.
It seems like 90% of the conversations I have with people end up being about their insecurities. I don't mind half of the time, and I really do like they trust me and all.. but sometimes it feels more like I'm their mentor then their friend. :/


Well-known member
Man I know what you mean. I treat gym class like its the olympics. One time I was goalie in floor hockey and I let in the winning goal when it was tied up and it haunted me for a week straight. But unfortunetely for me I dont mask it as well.

When I lost fights in boxing(which was basically every fight) I would have such a child like hissy fit. When i went to the nationals i acted in a terrible manner and embarassed myself. When I lost I literally had a hissy fit in front of a few hundred people. I started swearing and I slapped the guys hand when he went to shake mine. I grabbed my medal from the guy giving it out without shaking his hand then stormed out of the ring back to the locker room. I could hear people like "what a loser" "Stop taking out the fact you suck on everybody else" and I went crazy. I went to the locker room and started smashing the wall and stuff. I threw my bag and started kicking everything in sight,then I locked myself in the stall and cried like a little girl having a tantrum. It is probably one of the most embarassing moments of my life,I heavily regret it.
That's one hell of a story. It's stupid how our male egos take over and dominate when they really should just go and die.

Okay, here is something I'm a little embarrassed about. I'm hoping someone else does something similar.

I'm a weird eater. I don't ever eat something as it is meant to be eaten. I pick all of the cheese and toppings off of pizza, then eat the crust. Sometimes I take sandwiches apart and eat them layer by layer. I don't know when I started this and I don't know why. I don't do it all the time, but my family always makes fun of me when I do.
Hmm, that IS strange. I would certainly be inquiring about that if we ever ate together. ::p:


Well-known member
Okay, here is something I'm a little embarrassed about. I'm hoping someone else does something similar.

I'm a weird eater. I don't ever eat something as it is meant to be eaten. I pick all of the cheese and toppings off of pizza, then eat the crust. Sometimes I take sandwiches apart and eat them layer by layer. I don't know when I started this and I don't know why. I don't do it all the time, but my family always makes fun of me when I do.

I Do that too. :p
And my family also makes fun of me for it!:D
Probably not for the same reason though.
I do it because I hate the thought of getting food on my face or looking like a slob.
So I make break food into small pieces that I can easily put in my mouth,...heh
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Well-known member
I still try to hide behind people that im with sometimes in crowded places like stores.
Despite the fact that i'm taller than most!
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Well-known member
I eat chicken with ketchup. I always thought it was normal but ive never met a person in my life who wasnt like "EWWWWWW OH MYY GOD!!!" when I did it.


Well-known member
I eat chicken with ketchup. I always thought it was normal but ive never met a person in my life who wasnt like "EWWWWWW OH MYY GOD!!!" when I did it.

I used to do that when i was younger!! But I grew out of it, I don't like ketchup so much anymore, pretty much don't like tomatoes in general


Well-known member
I eat chicken with ketchup. I always thought it was normal but ive never met a person in my life who wasnt like "EWWWWWW OH MYY GOD!!!" when I did it.

Do you eat all chicken like that, no matter how it's cooked? I know someone who does that. I've even seen him eat Chinese food chicken fingers with ketchup.

I eat chicken fingers, you know like breaded or fried chicken or something, with ketchup, but if it's grilled chicken I don't eat it with ketchup.


It seems like 90% of the conversations I have with people end up being about their insecurities. I don't mind half of the time, and I really do like they trust me and all.. but sometimes it feels more like I'm their mentor then their friend. :/

That just shows that you have the type of personality that people find easy to open up too. Most people just want to be heard and you probably allow that. Its certainly not a bad thing.

- I am scared of going to the horse races just in case a jockey tries to jump on my back - these are the thoughts that keep me oppressed.
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Well-known member
People tell me that I have a really good heart,but what they dont know is that I am very stubborn,which I can hide well in real life those days,but in the past I did some bad things because of this.