Post a random fact about yourself...


Well-known member
The sound of a heartbeat makes me squirm.
^ Same here! I thought I was the only one. I'm very squeamish when it comes to that sort of thing. Not just heartbeats, but even the sight of blood, injuries, guts, etc. I know if my mom and/or brother are watching a health show where they show surgeries or some sort of horrific injury, I can't even sit in the same room. :rolleyes:
^ Same here! I thought I was the only one. I'm very squeamish when it comes to that sort of thing. Not just heartbeats, but even the sight of blood, injuries, guts, etc. I know if my mom and/or brother are watching a health show where they show surgeries or some sort of horrific injury, I can't even sit in the same room. :rolleyes:

I'm pretty good with everything except excessive amounts of blood. Luckily, I've never encountered that in my life, but I've seen it on tv and it freaks me out. It makes me a little sad because I would like to give blood (or at least try to), but just the thought makes me lightheaded.

I'm also a tiny bit afraid that when the nurse takes my blood pressure, he/she is going to squeeze it so hard that my arm will pop off or something crazy like that.


Well-known member
I love shoes. I have 4 pairs (Blue and black, red and white, black and grey, and green and white, all nikes). Just because I have SA doesn't mean I don't want to look good in public. :)
I love shoes. I have 4 pairs (Blue and black, red and white, black and grey, and green and white, all nikes). Just because I have SA doesn't mean I don't want to look good in public. :)

Oooh, I love shoes, too. I'm addicted to tennis shoes. I'm an Adidas girl, though.


Well-known member
I am a closet heavy metal (neoclassical) fan who's never been to a single rock concert & never even own a CD of this kind of music due to my strict religious upbringing and claim to be a lover of today's pop music, which I'm not afraid to admit that are found in my playlist (ie: Lady Gaga, LMFAO, Katy Perry, etc.). Oh and I've always been attracted to bad boys or guys who have a mean streak and don't particularly like me and I reject guys who are too nice even though I'm certain I'll marry one. Gosh, I'm a twisted good girl acting like one from the surface.


Well-known member
I once found a hair inches long in my big mac,I gave it to my dad then told him after:rolleyes:
:eek: EW. :eek: EWwww. How many inches long??!? (doesn't sound like it's only an inch 'cause even seeing a centimeter of hair is enough to make me gag)

Oh and another fact: I've never ever had a boyfriend but I love giving love advice as if I'm already a love expert. Most people usually go with my suggestions and actually find them pretty helpful. :D


New member
Re: Post a random fact about yourself...hated

I hate my social phobia very make me really bad! Damn!!!:mad:


Well-known member
:eek: EW. :eek: EWwww. How many inches long??!? (doesn't sound like it's only an inch 'cause even seeing a centimeter of hair is enough to make me gag)

Oh and another fact: I've never ever had a boyfriend but I love giving love advice as if I'm already a love expert. Most people usually go with my suggestions and actually find them pretty helpful. :D

Hahaha! I do the same thing, She. I've had one boy friend though.
I give advice about all kinds of things I'm not qualified to.

Strange fact about me...

I was sexually molested by my brother's friend from 10 years old to 14 in the living room of my home. No one did anything. I don't think my parents knew, but I thought they had an idea. There really not bad people, they did say a few times I shouldn't be around him, but I told them there was nothing to worry about. I didn't know what he was doing was wrong at the time.

Also, I whistle backwards. (suck in instead of blow out)

I have maybe a 150 monkey stuffed animals.

I had a bed wetting problem until I was 12.

The last one might of been TMI.


Well-known member
I am a closet heavy metal (neoclassical) fan who's never been to a single rock concert & never even own a CD of this kind of music due to my strict religious upbringing and claim to be a lover of today's pop music, which I'm not afraid to admit that are found in my playlist (ie: Lady Gaga, LMFAO, Katy Perry, etc.).
Good to see another heavy metal fan on this board, even though we probably like different bands in the genre. Also there's nothing wrong with some Lady Gaga and LMFAO songs. :)

Oh and I've always been attracted to bad boys or guys who have a mean streak and don't particularly like me and I reject guys who are too nice even though I'm certain I'll marry one. Gosh, I'm a twisted good girl acting like one from the surface.
This is the death knell of guys like me, and it may even be one of the reasons I'm not sought after.

I was sexually molested by my brother's friend from 10 years old to 14 in the living room of my home. No one did anything. I don't think my parents knew, but I thought they had an idea. There really not bad people, they did say a few times I shouldn't be around him, but I told them there was nothing to worry about. I didn't know what he was doing was wrong at the time.
You should be going to the Police!!! Does this affect you now?


Well-known member
You should be going to the Police!!! Does this affect you now?

You want to know what the really funny thing is? I never even thought of doing that. I know exactly who he is, my brother's still friends with him. I hear about him all the time and I saw him in person a year ago... He was VERY nice to me and he never cased physical harm. I'm not making excuses, it's true. Your right though, I should, not for me, but maybe for other's that could get hurt...I don't know if he has a history of this or not.

I think it does. because I was always trying to get the wrong attention from guys, I think, because it was the only why someone would pay attention to me.....That I knew of.

But on topic.

I'm addicted to mountain dew.

I'm also addicted to my heater. It just feels so warm and cozy. lol


Well-known member
You want to know what the really funny thing is? I never even thought of doing that. I know exactly who he is, my brother's still friends with him. I hear about him all the time and I saw him in person a year ago... He was VERY nice to me and he never cased physical harm. I'm not making excuses, it's true. Your right though, I should, not for me, but maybe for other's that could get hurt...I don't know if he has a history of this or not.

I think it does. because I was always trying to get the wrong attention from guys, I think, because it was the only why someone would pay attention to me.....That I knew of.
Well, of course. If the only way you knew to get a male's attention was sex, that's what you'll carry with you through your adult life, too. In that sense, yes, it has affected you negatively, and you have some leverage over him if you decide to go to the Police with this.

If he says he doesn't remember it, he's a liar. He's possibly very nice to you because he knows you could rat him out at any opportunity. Or, maybe, he's not like that anymore. Either way I do not trust him.


Well-known member
Yeah, I don't trust him either honestly.

Do you have a younger sister? You seem like a big brother to me.

Another strange fact...

Even though I have social anxiety, I'm rather fearless. I like adventure and excitement. I have a trick scooter of which I consistently hurt myself on. I also love to ride this thing called summer sled, where you lie down on your stomach and roll down hills head first. It's ALOT of fun. I've gotten hurt on that thing so many times..


Well-known member
Yeah, I don't trust him either honestly.

Do you have a younger sister? You seem like a big brother to me.
I don't blame you at all for not trusting him. I would tell you to cease any and all contact, but that's your choice.

Heh, no, but I have a younger brother. Although at the age of 24 he's more mature than I am and he's the one that'll probably need to look after me! But anyway, I don't mean to come across as bossy or anything. Apologies if that's happening.


Well-known member
I don't blame you at all for not trusting him. I would tell you to cease any and all contact, but that's your choice.

Heh, no, but I have a younger brother. Although at the age of 24 he's more mature than I am and he's the one that'll probably need to look after me! But anyway, I don't mean to come across as bossy or anything. Apologies if that's happening.

Oh not at all, I appreciate you taking the time to give me advice that you believe in. I'm surprised, you come off as the protective older brother type.

I don't have contact, I just sometimes end up in contact with him because of my brother. But that shouldn't be a problem any more because my brother consistently the family.

Let's see something else strange about me..

for some reason my bed sheets REFUSE to stay on my bed. I swear, Houdini owned this mattress.


Well-known member
Oh not at all, I appreciate you taking the time to give me advice that you believe in. I'm surprised, you come off as the protective older brother type.

I don't have contact, I just sometimes end up in contact with him because of my brother. But that shouldn't be a problem any more because my brother consistently the family.
No problem. I used to try and protect my brother until I realised he can look after himself better than I can look after myself. He also has no anxiety or depression like I do so that helps him infinitely.

for some reason my bed sheets REFUSE to stay on my bed. I swear, Houdini owned this mattress.
It's almost like you rearrange them in your sleep, right? I will never forget this: years ago, I went to bed, and I had a sheet, and my quilt then on top of that. When I woke up in the morning, my quilt was on my bed perfectly, while my sheet was crumpled in a ball on the ground. So, somehow, I had ripped the sheet from under my quilt, while I was sleeping on top of it, and piled it in a ball on the ground. I think I was sleepwalking that night, as there's no other explanation!


Well-known member
It's almost like you rearrange them in your sleep, right? I will never forget this: years ago, I went to bed, and I had a sheet, and my quilt then on top of that. When I woke up in the morning, my quilt was on my bed perfectly, while my sheet was crumpled in a ball on the ground. So, somehow, I had ripped the sheet from under my quilt, while I was sleeping on top of it, and piled it in a ball on the ground. I think I was sleepwalking that night, as there's no other explanation![/QUOTE]

Hahaha! That's some crazy sh!t!
That's the kinda thing that happens that makes you wonder whether or not there are gnomes that spend all they'er time f@cking with you!

We my never know...

strange fact....

I hate shots, but for some reason I have to look when there putting it in.
I think I'm more afraid of trusting someone with a sharp object there about to jab into me.