Post a random fact about yourself...


Well-known member
i always run for twist and change... my heart always wants something New... i have strong reading power.
i love cigarettes
i addicted to discovery.
all the year i do different things and jobs.
sometimes i want to be a Airport management employ(Airplanes attracts me lol)
sometimes i wanna start my own Restaurant
Done Engineering in Higher Secondary school
i have Commerce Graduate Degree
currently Learning JAVA PROGRAMMING :-D
I watch TV through a mirror when I'm behind the computer. It's quite an odd experience when watching things you've already seen once or twice normally.
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i constantly defend spiders (& photograph them when i can).

i took photos of one very much like this one, but not sure if i can upload photos to show, so this will have to do:


btw, i totally understand about the toad. that is heartbreaking!

I feel for them, too, but I've had way too many wolf spiders in my bedroom to make me feel too horrible if I have to dispose of them. If I can, I try to get them outside, but many times it's not an option. Plus, in the back of my mind, I'm terrified that it's a brown recluse. I'm allergic to regular spider bits. I don't want to have a confrontation with a brown recluse.


Well-known member
Feck i'm 23, not a big deal to anyone older but i clicked on my profile and it told me i'm 23....seems a lot older than 22.


Well-known member
Well I'll be 24 in less than 2 months. Done zero with my life. Totally wasted my youth. Now I'm just an adult who still feels like he should be about 15/16 because i've done nothing you're supposed to have done by now.

I cringe every time I hear or read anyone refer to their spouse as ''baby'' or ''daddy''. I know it's socially acceptable, but I can't help but associate those words with their proper definitions. It creeps me out.


Well-known member
I tend to have crushes on men that are at least 20 years older than me.

I'm totally addicted to In The Groove.

My room is a total mess.

I love rain.


Well-known member
Lol. Okay, here goes:

- I love working out
- I'm a bit of a music elitist (hence the nick pop-princess) and I listen to everything from dubstep to The Clash
- I don't like the taste of alcohol but I drink it anyway
- My eyecolor is a mix of gray, green and brown
- I can speak 3 languages fluently