Mental Immaturity & SA


Well-known member
Hmm, not really ;) I always thought I was more mature than people my age -- I've been told as much on occasion. I'm very responsible and analytical -- to a fault, almost. I'm not at all spontaneous. I'm grounded. I guess I'm pretty boring!

To be honest, I always attributed these personality traits to SA. The extreme caution and excessive thinking etc.


Hmm, not really ;) I always thought I was more mature than people my age -- I've been told as much on occasion. I'm very responsible and analytical -- to a fault, almost. I'm not at all spontaneous. I'm grounded. I guess I'm pretty boring!

To be honest, I always attributed these personality traits to SA. The extreme caution and excessive thinking etc.

I'm the same


Well-known member
It depends how you define SA IMO. If it's an excessive form of SA that's preventing you from resolving your daily problems, then I think that's a sign of mental immaturity in itself, regardless if you still hold other mature traits.

That's the kind of SA I'm experiencing at the moment. I can barely do anything each day because I have such a crappy perspective on life. It's hard to become mature when everything seems hopeless. Because part of being mature is finding the drive to continue, despite the hardship. Which sucks.


Well-known member
Actually, I think it's more - you are acting your age. If comic books weren't also an adult thing, you would haven't have actors, writers, directors, producers etc. in Hollywood immediately jumping aboard a new super hero movie beyond excited. That's conventional, like old old people belief. "tell me, what's my age again?" I'm 21, truth is - we all still feel like kids and don't have any idea of when we're supposed to become adults or how that process happens. If you were say, late thirties - forties, that would maybe be one thing (though still common), but in our age range? None of us feel grown up.
Hmm, not really ;) I always thought I was more mature than people my age -- I've been told as much on occasion. I'm very responsible and analytical -- to a fault, almost. I'm not at all spontaneous. I'm grounded. I guess I'm pretty boring!

To be honest, I always attributed these personality traits to SA. The extreme caution and excessive thinking etc.

I'm the same

Yeah, me too.


I find myself having more fun with kids than people my age. It was like that when i was a teenager :\


Well-known member
I feel the same.I dont know how ill get a mortgage or anything,or sort out finacial and legal stuff or get insurance or anything like tghat.
My mum constantly tells me i have a lack of common sense.Im very childish compared to my classmates.
I hate responsiblity and im very disorganised.the thought of working just makes life seem to monotonous and miserable to bear once i leave my parents and school.
Alli do is paly video-games,read manga and watch TV,read and play with my dog.I just dont want to do anything else cos i get bored so easily.I could daydream the whol day away and i have the attention span of a peanut :(.
And i dread reality cheks and the like too...dunno what im gonna do.
Alllife is studying to work to earn enough when your too old to be of any use


Well-known member
O M G. This is exactly what i feel on a day to day basis! I thought i was the only one. Every time i try to explain to people that i havent developed any opinions or morals on anything, they think im crazy! I feel like im about 10 years old or something!

Silvox Black

Well-known member
Well, some will grow faster than others. Some are unwilling to trade their beliefs for a harsher reality. Some learn to balance life and their principles as well as their desires. Some learn to blend an art or career that they enjoy into their work. Simply because you refuse to release your innocence does not make you mentally immature. It is merely your choice. You may simply have a more difficult time than others when it comes to things like this. It is not your fault. If anything, this world makes things more difficult than it must be.


Well-known member
my biggest challenge currently is trying to feel grounded in the adult world of a decent job and eventually moving out into a place to rent of my own, it seems like a mammoth task, i have qualifications and ive had a few interviews but so far i'm still stuck at home with a casual job, literally trapped into that situation. the biggest expenses are of course automobile insurance and registration each year and bills all coming at once. its tough! really i mean i'm sure it isnt for everyone but for me its a challenge to even get a kick start in my chosen career and i do need money to live so i can afford things and meet a girl, ovbiously thats tricky without the independence though. anyway its all excuses, back to actually trying to get somewhere now..


Well-known member
Bugger, that's me to a T.

I don't feel sufficiently equipped for the "adult" world. From things like career searching right down to household duties, and even self-expression through writing. Pretending to be interested or involved in all that feels wrong. It's a lie! It's not who I am, but I don't know how to train myself into automation.

As if SA doesn't give you enough trouble, speaking to other (mature) adults is very intimidating when you still think and feel like a young person.

yeh especially the adults who are just very condescending and old fashioned, old at heart which is really another way of describing a mature attitude. i've noticed that my parents will label me "childish" if i do something they believe isnt within their beliefs and that could be leaving the knife out on the breadboard instead of rinsing it off, anything very small can lead to a huge argument. horrible. i actually admire those who can stay young, who wants to be seen as old and doing old peoples things "gardening, not exercising, wearing dorky old peoples clothes, moaning, grumpy all the time, listening to the same boring talkback stations, watching CSI, no thanks.

even in the realm of responsibility becoming an individual who can fully look after themselves in every way and can balance a life and career i envy greatly, i'm sure i can do it but i've struggled so far, i mean after one year at any job i want to go and jump in a river or just run away, so far anyway.
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Well-known member
In a lot of ways I've always felt more mature than most people my age and have been told so, I've experienced the harsh realities of life all at a young age and always tried to help out and be grown. In a lot of ways though that messed me up becuase my childhood mainly highschool I thought about consequences too much instead of just being a kid, I did do a lot of REALLY dumb things but the kind of dumb things I skipped out on, I made no sense. On the other end of the spectrum I feel immature in a lot of aspects of life, that I have not much experience in dating and jobs and school. Sometimes I act too serious or joke around too much. Sometimes I just don't know who the man in the mirror really is.


Well-known member
Sometimes I feel like I'm too mature for my own good, but other times I'm completely immature..acting like a total 10 year old. So yeah, I'm stuck between that and being a raging 30 year old. when I'm actually right in the middle, at 20. it's annoying.


Well-known member
I am ahead of others in some areas, and behind in some as well. Because of my lack of experience (due to avoidance of things that frighten me) there are a lot of things in daily life that I still need to work on. And yet I feel as if many of the people my age are less experienced in their minds and their emotions than I. My psychologist told me this as well.
There are always various degrees of things like maturity and immaturity in people. I would not call myself "mature" or "childish" as a whole.


Well-known member
"Grown up". A term used to describe the stereotypical behavioral patterns of those older and more socially established than you. I'd say it only carries meaning to those urgent about living the way of millions before them. To those seeking acceptance through following traditions.

When I began college I felt completely left behind in my mental maturity. Everyone was trying their hardest to make use of terms such as "relationship", "job", "career", "boyfriend", "girlfriend", "drunk", "party". I've never experienced anything justifying my use of those words. So I feel like I have nothing to talk about. Nothing in common with anyone. I feel like I have failed to experience life as it should be experienced. Devoid of the joy that could have been.
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Well-known member
I feel this way, alot! And i'm nearly 18. I feel so behind my friends at times because of the many days spent at home and couple of years out of school i had. I'm starting adult college this year in september while they are all going to Uni, i'm excited about college and they are like, "Okay sooo anyway ...". "/

I rememeber when i turned 16, oh god what a horrible year. All new responsibilites i couldn't keep up with. I hated going to the doctors because instead of relying on my mum to tell them what was wrong with me, they demanded to talk to me because i had turned 16. I hated it. I hated all the bank stuff, being called 'miss warburton' etc. Now i'm turning 18 in 2 months and i'm dreading the responsibility coming with that!

Despite being behind my friends in alot of things, there are others things i am more mature at than them. Like for example, kids! Since the age of 12 i have been an Auntie and being at home alot due to SA, ment my sister would come over with her children and keep me company. Have been told many times i'd make a good mum. :) I'd love to be a mum, sometimes i feel that is the ONLY thing i'd be good at with all the experience looking after two babies, now 5 and 2 years old. (In the future, not right now.) Anyway! ...

Also because of having SA and depression, i feel alot more experienced in dealing with emotions if you get what i mean? Like whenever one of my friends are feeling low they always turn to me.

So i guess, i'm more mature in some ways, and less mature in other ways compared to my friends. :)
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