Mental Immaturity & SA

I'm older, but I feel like I'm just 16, or just ageless. I don't seem to age mentally. I don't know, every time I feel like I know myself, I surprise myself yet again. I'm strong, weak, childish, mature, mad, sane, foolish, brilliant and many things that shouldn't exist in one single person. It's like a council of peoples rather than one person.
I know exactly what you guys mean! My mom gets up at 6:30 every weekday morning, works all day, comes home at 5:00pm and is too tired to do anything except lay on the couch and watch TV until 10:00 when she goes to bed.

That doesn't sound like a good life to me at all!! Adults are expected to revolve their lives around their career. It's stupid!! I just wanna have a fun stressless life!!

Also I'm not just immature when it comes to work and stuff, I still like watching spongebob squarepants, pokemon and all the cartoons I used to watch when I was a kid! I wish I didn't have to grow up!!!!!


Well-known member
Well, I think for most of my life having sa helped me to be more mature. I am in my 20’s now so I don’t think I seem as mature compared to others my age. I still feel like I am 16 but when I was 16 people thought I was 20.


Well-known member
Yeah adult life is a B**** im almost 24 and feel and look like 16y old :/ and yes working all 40hour week that you could live the rest few days is amazing as well.Its strange when youre a kid you want to grow up as soon as possible but when yo hit +20years you want to be young again and drop all the responsability.


Well-known member
Its strange when youre a kid you want to grow up as soon as possible but when yo hit +20years you want to be young again and drop all the responsability.

That is the truth! I always wanted to grow up when I was young, now that I'm 21 I'm like I wish I could go back ::(:
In some respects I feel very mature in my thoughts, convictions, sense of morality, but in many others like performing normal daily activities that most people my age have no problem with, I feel very child-like. Trying something new usually frightens me, which is what most people my age feel compelled to do on their own. I've felt like an old soul since I was very little, but I also feel like a child now that I'm an adult, if that makes sense.


Well-known member
I am very mature overall,but there are some things I feel very immature about,its like I didnt have a chance to develop.