Super Moderator
Why do I have a funny feeling this thread is going to get closed...
"Hurrdurr, men r gud, women r dum"
I can see it coming...
Why do I have a funny feeling this thread is going to get closed...
I think most men are scared of women and their power.
Whoever says that is dumb!Because:
"Hurrdurr, men r gud, women r dum"
I can see it coming...
i am guessing that the man in the video is either divorced or after she sees the video will file lol
Oh, I'm not saying the world would be better without men. But, we can't ignore the facts. If it's okay to say men would be better as president, isn't it fair to discuss the opposite..?
I'm not saying the world would be better without men. But, we can't ignore the facts. If it's okay to say men would be better as president, isn't it fair to discuss the opposite..?
Another thing I'd like to add is that in terms of race/ethnicity, people are allowed to trash one race without any problem. In my core learning classes at college for "american experience" or "dilemmas," we typically do learn about how terrible white people have been in the past and how they reap the benefits today due to how much they've oppressed in the past. White people have been the privileged group in terms of race, just as men have been in terms of gender. So I am not sure where the race/ethnicity thing connects to this discussion. It typically is just fine to criticize white people..just as it has been in terms of gender. Well, in some cases. On the internet, not so much.
Right, but people on this post have agreed with the video, and no one gets mad?? It's funny people get so bent out of shape when I make such a "wild" proposal...
I personally do not take either stance. But people start trippin when I make the opposite suggestion! funny..
No it doesn't. It's such a stupid argument. :/it just never stops does it?h:
Oh wow people can't respectfully disagree with each other? There is no reason to start attacking, I was just speaking on your argument.
No it doesn't. It's such a stupid argument. :/
Hm, if there were only woman leaders around the world, wouldn't the world be more peaceful? Men are the ones who commit like 95% of the murders, rapes, and genocides..and start 100% of the wars...and commit the all of the mass shootings that have been happening..