Men and Women are aparantly not equal.


Well-known member
Having been raised mostly by women I have great sense of appreciation for the whole genre.

While I believe that in ancient times, where hunting and brute force where humankind most valuable activities and assets, some degree of social superiority of males over females was probably justified, in modern times those who rule the world are lawyers, engineers, scientists, politiciants and so on. And when it comes to intellect a woman is capable of doing everything a man can (maybe even more).

That being said... there are exceptions, such a Sarah Palin. Dear god, what a dumb woman.


Well-known member
That's an ugly, unsubstantiated comment about a very successful woman, but since she's conservative, you get a pass I suspect.


Well-known member
I think it's possible to be equal but different. There have been studies that pointed out differences between the genders in things like spatial reasoning, language, deciphering emotions in faces etc etc. I think some of these things are innately better in one gender over the other (as a broad generalization, obviously with plenty of exceptions) and have basis in evolutionary need. I think we are different from each other, and that our brains function differently in some respects, for a few different reasons (hormones and adaptation, namely). Anyone can rise in any field in this day, but I think each gender does come with strengths and even inclinations that are somewhat varied between them.


Well-known member
I don't think she's particularly bright, but her accent and relative lack of sophistication when compared to the typical oily professional politician make her an easy target for leftist bullies and snobs.
I don't think Sarah Palin's dumb...she's just very very conservative, and religious.

Yes, agreed. That's what they did with George W. Bush, too. Just because he wasn't the most eloquent person he was painted as stupid. Don't get me wrong - I don't like Palin or Bush. Or Obama, for that matter. But I don't think any of them are stupid. I mean... come on. Some people just don't have the gift of fluid speech, which takes away from their image.


Well-known member
...and for topicality...she's bright enough to govern a state. Whether or not she did it as well as a man could is for Alaskans to decide...


Well-known member
I'm a free market anarchist. I share nothing in common with the right other than their supposed support for smaller government and fiscal restraint (which they've completely abandoned for decades) and their disdain for the intensely dishonest, malicious hypocritical leftist snobbery. Politicians are all pathetic fronting and women...equally.


Well-known member
I'm a free market anarchist. I share nothing in common with the right other than their supposed support for smaller government and fiscal restraint (which they've completely abandoned for decades) and their disdain for the intensely dishonest, malicious hypocritical leftist snobbery. Politicians are all pathetic fronting and women...equally.

is there anyone you DO like?

other than me, of course