Male/female; straight/gay


Well-known member
Female, straight...but I think I could go gay just for the companionship, offense to the gay girls on here, in fact I mean it as a compliment...lesbians don't seem to be superficial in the way that straight guys are...and I'm so hideous I'll probably never get with a guy...


Well-known member
I'm female, straight, but i seem to be finding women attractive the past few years, yet when i think about it i don't think i'd be comfortable in a female female relationship. Does this make me bisexual in some way? :confused: Or is it just my raging teenage hormones? :rolleyes:

Not at all. I find other females attractive as well. I've never been in a relationship with one and honestly I'm not sure if I could but I won't be ashamed to admit that I'm not attracted to some.

I don't know if that's bisexual. I really don't care for the term, it implies a certain connotation I don't feel applies to my outlook. I just say that's me and be done with it.


Well-known member
by my pic, it's obvious that i'm a female, if u dissagree ur either drunk, high or need glasses :rolleyes:. but i'm straight even though i'm mostly hang out with girls, and no i don't act like one ::p:
I am a female, and I am a lover, regardless of gender/gender identity/whatever...

I honestly believe that I could fall in love and be in a relationship with someone of either has never really been a big deal to me. I have been attracted to both males and females, although most of my major "crushes" in my life have been towards males. I hate labels, and I don't really fit into any of society's pre-established orientations and categories.

I'm just all about the love :)


Well-known member
I am a female, and I am a lover, regardless of gender/gender identity/whatever...

I honestly believe that I could fall in love and be in a relationship with someone of either has never really been a big deal to me. I have been attracted to both males and females, although most of my major "crushes" in my life have been towards males. I hate labels, and I don't really fit into any of society's pre-established orientations and categories.

I'm just all about the love :)

Oh my, I couldn't have said it better myself. I think this is what I was pointing out to Aimee. My feelings exactly, thank you for taking the words right out of my mouth.