we are born sexualised, we are sexual beings, without sex we would not create, i'm not saying porn is ok, but i'm not saying its wrong either.
Is watching people have sex unnatural or just watching porn?
I think it's kind of unnatural to be looking at porn, but that's just my opinion.
I'm not a fan of porn but I never thought there is anything unatural about it, unless you meant sick porn like kids or animals
I recently read about a study, (which I'll have to try to find again and post it here, sorry) in which they analyzed men's brains as the male subjects looked at provocative pictures of women in bikinis, versus when they looked at pictures of tools (e.g., a power drill) or pictures that are meant to evoke compassion. What they found was that these images of women in bikinis lit up the same part of the men's brains that also light up when men view images of tools. Then they would show images that are meant to evoke compassion, like maybe someone helping somebody, and a different part of the brain lit up. But when they would show the provocative pictures, that part of the brain would not light up at all. They came to the conclusion based on their research that when men view pornography, they are basically viewing the women only as tools for sex, which was also shown to spill over into the workplace where access to porn exists.
I read somewhere that almost all online p*rn made using captive women and children...
Indeed. Like Satine said, given the vast amount of amateur porn, recorded at home by random couples and uploaded online for the world to see - for free - , it is kind of clear that there is no direct need to force anyone into the pornographic industry.must have been a religious site, sounds like BS to me
must have been a religous site, sounds like BS to me
I would like to see a study similar to this done the other way around,show girls pictures of attractive men they dont know in provocative poses,I could be wrong,but I doubt it would be much different,I think most people are pretty much the same its just that men are more open about it.
I could see pornography companies getting extorted my the Mafia..why not? They extort every other operation known to man why not the porn industry?? But no1 trust me these girls you see in tons of these movies are more than willing because they are getting paidpretty good for it so to say they are being held "captive" or "illegally" is simply not true. The porn capitol of the world is out in California and that is where most of it is made in the United States. So i would say they meant that the mafia extorts money from the porn indusrty like it does everyhting else. Are there some mobsters who probably run a few porn companies? Sure!!!!!!
Thank you! A lot of people bitch and moan about porn being so horrible but they never bother to mention the really sick shit that is out there.
What does that mean? It means that what people ought to be bitching about (and taking action against) are the disgusting films (snuff and rape films) that are out there that exploit people and animals. You obviously seem to have more of a problem with normal porn than with the abnormal material. I don't care if it's not easily accessible. Just because it's not in your face, doesn't mean that it's not harmful.
You're entitled to your own opinion but perhaps the truth is that you're so against regular porn because it reminds you of what you're not getting. I wouldn't doubt it considering you always have someone to blame for something that you dislike or lack in your own life. If girls don't pay attention to you it's because there's something wrong with women or because there is something wrong with men. There's always something and everyone else gets the blame. I think I am starting to see why you call yourself no1.
Wow... I'm really talking about All types of sick porn not just legal ones. Though I do find it sick for even sick porn to be legal.
Who was the last person you worried about other than yourself and what did you do to help, support or comfort them? Let's be honest now. Everyone can be selfish and so can you. You seem to worry about yourself a lot.
You only seem to know people only through your own perceptions of reality and not because you've actually had a lot of experience with people. It's times like these that I really feel for you.
Wow... I'm really talking about All types of sick porn not just legal ones. Though I do find it sick for even sick porn to be legal.