I dislike the effect pornography has on human beings.
Son, the only effect porn has on people is giving them orgasms. Society determines what our pornography will show us, not the other way around.
In pornography, fantasies are played out where otherwise in the real world it should be illegal. But as a child who grows up exposed to this kind of stuff at a very early age, might want to emulate these behaviors, and carry it out into the adult world. From then on, sexuality is seen as a wanton, and violently lustful thing.
Pornography is all about fantasy and there should be no taboo against human fantasies, no how horrible or bizaar. Children don't emulate the behaviors they see in porn, there's not one study (out of the many done) that demonstrates a harmfull effect of porn. The truth is, you're deeply uncomfortable with sexuality your own and pornography therefore disturbs you.
Even on TV, sexuality is portrayed wantonly. As children, we watch TV, and "adult" content (as if that is what adult content is really even supposed to be like). I believe being exposed to sexuality pre-puberty can mess a person's life up once you do hit puberty.
But apparently you were messed up allready by the abuse you suffered. I deeply regrett you suffered such a terrible crime, but you can't go around blaming porn and "wantoness" for it.
Who knows what happens in middle school and elementary. Guys touching girls, without consent. And it "just happens" without any control. Because it "feels good" and we have urges that we can't even control.
Girls like it, and if they didn't guys would not do it anymore. Ive seen this for myself, do I don't find your complaints relevant to the real-world. Are you afraid of acting on your urges and harming someone? It sounds that way.
I remember, because I was exposed to pornography, and sexual abuse (as a result of the abuser being influenced by pornography) at such a young age.. in middle school, I could not control myself, and was severely uncomfortable with sexuality,or it was non existent until it took control of me.
What makes you think "pornography" had anything to do with it? What do you mean you could not control yourself? This isn't typical behavior of other kids who watch porn.
...I wonder if maybe I was supposed to, like all the other kids who were acting out their lustful desires because they saw it in pornography and wanted to 'try it out'.
Maybe you WERE supposed to. The sexphobes will have you believe that sexual experience is dirty or naughty, except when meeting the proper criteria (which happen not to be any fun!). Don't believe them.
But instead I was introduced to it by a male, though I quickly learned it wasn't supposed to be like that, and stopped it right away. But as a child I questioned sexuality...Because of all the wanton lustfulness going on, everywhere I went, I was uncomfortable with sexuality.
Again I am sorry to hear about this experience you had. It was not the kids who were bothering you, it was your own insecurity. You are projecting your internal problem onto the outside world.
Now about the porn thing: Rape, and Sex Crimes are "ok" in pornography. You see guys being wanton with women, touching them without consent, using sexual bribery, "tricking" girls into sex, and the girls are 'dumb enough" to accept, and be ok with it. Anything goes.
Rape, violence, murder, peeing, pissing, shitting, you name it. What's your point?
So when that behavior comes into reality... I am a modest person. I can't just start touching a woman without first her consent. but in porn, many of the movies show, that's how it starts. If people expect me to act like they do in porn to have sex... then I don't think I'll ever find love.
Do you know anything about the statistical relationship between pornography and sex crimes, or are you just repeating feminazi propoganda? Also, it seems you are insecure about initiating sexual contact, which is understandable. Perhaps you should talk to your therapist about this issue and try to work it out.
Why can't there be real erotica, showing two people who loved each other. Why does it have to be wanton, and crazy.
There is, it's called pornography for women, because that's the sort of shit chics want to see, not men.
The sad thing is, people actually believe pornography is closer to the reality of love than anything else. but what if that's not true, and it's only the reality because of pornography, and people who from a sick mind, act out pornographic behaviors, even since the beginning of mankind, before pornography. not everyone was as violently lustful as this.
Well I can tell you from my own experience that porn is pretty close to real-life sex in some ways, and very different in others. Ive done most of the stuff in porn, one night stands, had a girl dance naked, taken nude pictures, ****ed a "teen" (hehe you know what I mean), had sex with lots of girls, had sex in public, had a threesome, had a sex party, etc. So, you were saying?