I dislike pornography...


Active member
Who was the last person you worried about other than yourself and what did you do to help, support or comfort them? Let's be honest now. Everyone can be selfish and so can you. You seem to worry about yourself a lot.

You only seem to know people only through your own perceptions of reality and not because you've actually had a lot of experience with people. It's times like these that I really feel for you.
I like your confrontational style, but not when it waxes judgmental like the last sentence.


Well-known member

You say that pornography exploits women and makes male viewers of porn associate women with tools and being sex objects,

But have you ever thought that it is also very much the opposite, that it is women, in fact, who are exploiting men through pornography, as the male viewers are no longer in control of themselves, and it is their penis that has taken over their minds?

That women use their sexuality in pornography to exploit the men's weakness for the female body to influence their decisions to commit sexual crimes or the purchasing of pornographic materials?

Have you thought about that?


Well-known member
Laughable. Well i am going out for a few beers!

I agree with Barry. This whole TOPIC is laughable, really.

Porn is porn. Unless you get off on watching beastiality, pedophilia or rape scenes, there's really nothing wrong with it. It's completely normal. It's as normal as masturbation, and EVERYONE does that. Even uptight Christians. People that say they don't enjoy sex and/or self-exploration, are only lying.

To say that pornography is degrading to women is just ridiculous. I've never understood that argument. They CHOOSE to do it. And they're getting paid. How is that degrading? I'm sure they make a lot more money than any of us here. That's gotta count for something.

As a woman, I'm a proud watcher of pornography. And I have been since I was about 14 years old. Give me a few more years, and maybe I'll turn into a child molester because of it. *Roll.*
Laughable. Well i am going out for a few beers!
Maybe Barry went to have some beers to deal with the guilt of his deviant behavior. We know your only laughing to keep from crying. I understand.

Seriously though IMO pornography is more harmful to the viewer especially a young person I believe it distorts a person's view of sex. This is personally my conscience and moral beliefs. For fun here is some research

"exposure to pornography puts viewers at increased risk for developing sexually deviant tendencies."
- Researchers at the National Foundation for Family Research and Education

While there are many ways that pornography harms children, I want to assure you that every child who views pornography will not necessarily be affected and, at worst, traumatized in the same way. The effects of pornography are progressive and addictive for many people. Just as every person who takes a drink does not automatically become an alcoholic, every child who is exposed to pornography does not automatically become a sexual deviant or sex addict. However, since pornography has a new door to the home, school, and library through the Internet, it is important for us to look at the many ways that pornography can potentially harm our children.
Excerpted in part from Kids Online: Protecting Your Children In Cyberspace
by Donna Rice Hughes (Revell, September 1998)


i kinda know from experience, as someone who had a boyfriend that used to watch porn alot, that porn- especially violent porn- can definately distort a persons view of how sex is supposed to be. i also later found out that when he was younger and had been watching porn for a few years that he had sexually abused 2 children from his family.

he enjoyed watching rape/ violence scenes and told me on occasions that he wanted to rape me or see me in a sexual situation that i had no control over. he admitted to me that he thought porn had alot to do with his view on sex.

I'm not saying that all pornography users end up like that, but it can happen.



Well-known member
@BabyBoo: I hope you got out of that relationship pronto! That doesn't sound healthy at all! I hope nobody else ever becomes his victim.


Well-known member
I agree with whoever mentioned the softcore erotica, because its tasteful and actually arousing and not degrading. i know people who watch normal porn alot and really its their business as long as it doesnt influence them in a negative way, normal porn is fine as long as its tasteful as well.
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Well-known member
I agree with whoever mentioned the softcore erotica, because its tasteful and actually arousing and not degrading. i know people who watch normal porn alot and really its their business as long as it doesnt influence them in a negative way, normal porn is fine as long as its tasteful as well.

Thing is, like I said, one man's erotica is another man's porn and vice versa. And I don't think there's any such thing as "normal" porn.


@BabyBoo: I hope you got out of that relationship pronto! That doesn't sound healthy at all! I hope nobody else ever becomes his victim.

i left him within a few months after his behaviour became more disturbing, got someone who treats me with respect now :p xxx


Well-known member
What are your thoughts on female dominance?

I think it's pretty awesome! Switching from dominance to submission is good too. I have thought of becoming a dominatrix but then I figured that I would not enjoy sticking dildos in a man's ***. I wouldn't mind the whips and chains and beatings. Sounds like fun to me. It's not like people who ask for it do not like it. I was out at a pub for my b-day a few months back and this guy walked up to my friends and I. He said that he would squeeze lemon juice in his eyes, snort salt and then he wanted me to slap him really hard. I declined the first couple of times but he kept on insisting so I gave in. I slapped the living s**t out of him and it was lots of fun! :D He didn't seem to have enjoyed it though. I suppose he picked me because I am slim and it doesn't seem like I would have any strength. I put my whole weight behind that slap and I suppose 109lbs of weight can be pretty painful. lol Now, if only I could get paid for it. ;)
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Well-known member
I think it's pretty awesome! Switching from dominance to submission is good too. I have thought of becoming a dominatrix but then I figured that I would not enjoy sticking dildos in a man's ***. I wouldn't mind the whips and chains and beatings. Sounds like fun to me.
Sticks and stones may break my bones but...

...whips and chains excite me! :D


Well-known member
There were rare occasions where I considered looking at guy-on-guy stuff, but then porn sites are usually filled with tons of bad things for your computer, and whenever I think about looking at it, I get all scared and back out of it, for some reason.

So I usually just turn to books and fanfiction for those books.


Well-known member
its all rubbish porn is mind warping crap , dont watch it , im not a prude but really....... your sopposed to be enjoying eachothers bodies , making love , that aint making love its crap , there all paid to do it end of