How old were you when you lost your virginity?


Well-known member
I remember your photo and you're a good-looking woman. I hope the date you had recently can change all this.

I doubt it will, he shows little interest in doing anything "romantic". He was even hesitant to hug me and seemed to try to get that over as quickly as possible.
I believe I have been friend zoned.


Well-known member
I doubt it will, he shows little interest in doing anything "romantic". He was even hesitant to hug me and seemed to try to get that over as quickly as possible.
I believe I have been friend zoned.
Oh, I'm sorry. ::(: At least you gave it a shot and you may have a possible new friend out of it, if you want.


Well-known member
Is anyone here a virgin by choice? Lol

Yes. I'm 18 and feel glad to be a virgin. I think society puts too much focus on losing your virginity at an early age. I might not have had any chance to lose it, but I'd rather wait till I find the right person for me and get engaged.


Well-known member
Is anyone here a virgin by choice? Lol
Kind of.

I don't want to just lose it, I've had opportunities in the past and refused to do so (okay, some of them were due to anxiety, but I didn't want to do it with them either way XD). So yeah, I don't mind waiting for the right person :]

PS: if it matters, I'm 21 already ::p:


Well-known member
Kind of.

I don't want to just lose it, I've had opportunities in the past and refused to do so (okay, some of them were due to anxiety, but I didn't want to do it with them either way XD). So yeah, I don't mind waiting for the right person :]

This exactly.


Well-known member
It was earlier this year. I was/am 25.

So glad I got it over with. It was a huge relief.

I respect anyone who legitimately wants to "wait" for someone special, but there's nothing wrong with having sex just to have sex. It's human nature.



Lost it about two weeks ago. Was nothing special or amazing--and it was with an escort (yeah, sadly). I was extremely scared and nervous and honestly, masturbating had felt better. I had wanted to lose it to my first girlfriend (now ex--I'd been single for a while before making this decision) of 1.5 years, but that didn't happen, and eventually I got to the point of not caring to lose it the "right" way.

Still, if it had been with someone I had proper feelings for/comfortable with, it would've been a lot better.

However, I now feel somewhat more confident with women.
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Active member

Lost it about two weeks ago. Was nothing special or amazing--and it was with an escort (yeah, sadly). I was extremely scared and nervous and honestly, masturbating had felt better. I had wanted to lose it to my first girlfriend (now ex--I'd been single for a while before making this decision) of 1.5 years, but that didn't happen, and eventually I got to the point of not caring to lose it the "right" way.

Still, if it had been with someone I had proper feelings for/comfortable with, it would've been a lot better.

However, I now feel somewhat more confident with women.

I'm about to be 18 and I haven't yet. People in my class at my small school on occasion will talk about the ones in our year who haven't lost their virginity and once they realize I'm there they always quiet down and point me out with their finger or whatever they do, I don't even know lol. I'm actually like the only one anyway.

BUT I did have my first girlfriend from the summer of 9th grade to the middle of 11th and I wanted to have sex with her also but it was long distance because y'know. I guess I'm just lame like that. But yeah that broke off and I've still yet to even hold a girl's hand, or even feel any kind of touch from a girl. I think at this point I don't really care either to lose it the "right" way. I do want to meet someone hopefully at one point in my life but if I was offered just some sex from a decent looking girl I would probably take her up on it, honestly.