How old were you when you lost your virginity?

I was 14, it was Halloween and it happened twice that day. I had went to a friend's house after school and I found myself alone with his sister, I think she was 15 or 16, anyway she was my 1st. I was so excited I forgot to use protection, I didn't have any anyway. And being that young I didn't care. Luckily nothing bad became of it.


Well-known member
I was born with the "naughty gene" and was an early bloomer. First time: I was 13, she was 16. At age 14 I was dating a college girl and I had my first FMF threesome at age 18. However, I can attest that sex has only gotten better with age.


It's about finding the right person to share it with. Life's successes, tribulations, etc, are not tickboxes on some spreadsheet of life. You do something because it has intrinsic value and meaning to you, otherwise, don't do it.

As wonderful as this kind of perspective is, I don't think it's very realistic. Your first time as some sort of holy act might have been the best way to look at it when people were getting married at 18, but not in the society we're living in now.

The way I looked at it was if I waited too long I'd end up passing my peak and never being able to enjoy it in the same way again. So yeah, for me it was more like a science experiment than a spiritual act-- a little scary and even a little tainted by traces of Christian guilt, but ultimately it was better than continuing to remain in the dark.

The way I look at it, waiting for that special someone is like refusing to travel or refusing to do something you've always wanted to do because everything is perfect-- eventually you'll just keep putting it off and finally you'll be too old. I really don't think that not being a virgin is in any way a fair reason to reject someone... it's actually really offensive because there are people out there who aren't virgins not by their own choice, and just because that happened to them it doesn't mean that they're dirty or tainted or that they can never be the same again, so the same goes for anyone else.


Well-known member
As wonderful as this kind of perspective is, I don't think it's very realistic. Your first time as some sort of holy act might have been the best way to look at it when people were getting married at 18, but not in the society we're living in now.

what if it was in a church?

not on the altar (that would be too weird)

but, like, on the second pew from the back over to left under the stained glass window with the picture of some guy with a beard?



what if it was in a church?

not on the altar (that would be too weird)

but, like, on the second pew from the back over to left under the stained glass window with the picture of some guy with a beard?

I'm pretty sure that that would fall under 'unholy'.

Unless of course, you were whipping yourself as it happened.


Well-known member
what if it was in a church?

not on the altar (that would be too weird)

but, like, on the second pew from the back over to left under the stained glass window with the picture of some guy with a beard?

In a church...hadn't thought about that one. Adding it to my bucket list! Maybe we could even role play wearing cassocks. You know, I'll be the priest and she can be the naughty alter girl! I know they keep some wine around there too.
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Well-known member
Does the church parking lot count? That's been like 11 years ago and I still feel bad about it.

I think it's only a true sin if you did it in the pastors parking spot or where the nuns park. But even better about against the organ in the church balcony. (Pun intended)
I think it's only a true sin if you did it in the pastors parking spot or where the nuns park. But even better about against the organ in the church balcony. (Pun intended)

He he he he I like that. I bet a big tomb stone would feel good and cool on a humid summer night...


20. Junior year in college. I have SA and I have figured out that alcohol can't do any worse than what being sober does to me when I enter parties and I am so riled up due to anxiety. Ive gotten quite a few hookups since I just find myself feeling better when im drunk and I am able to be myself more. Kinda sucks cuz at some point, I am going to have to be able to bond with women on a social level sober again which I haven't really done regularly since probably high school. Now Im 24, all I can do is hope I can somehow be calm enough to one day lure a beautiful girl and become close to her sober.


Active member
When I was 22. Could have lost it earlier I guess. Didn't want to do it if it weren't with someone special. I am weird like that :) So I waited and am glad I did.


Active member
I was 17 when I lost mine, but I can only count the number of times Ive had sex on one hand... Just once with each girl...And i'm 23 now.

And none of them were meaningful with a gf or someone I really cared about and now it just seems like it wont happen for me again sometimes but I habe to remind myself to stay positve and to put myself in more situtions where I can meet girls. I have OCD and related social phobia and bdd so ot really puts a damper on my social life at times if i really let it