How desirable do you think you are to the opposite sex?


Well-known member
1 to 2. But sometimes I feel more like -5.
This year I'm hoping to improve myself mentally, socially and phsycially through a few goals. Maybe then I'll feel more like a 3 or 4.


Well-known member
seem like i'm the only one who gave myself a high mark, at least in that department i'm confident.

What i want to know is why some of you feel that you don't have great looks when you most likely do


Well-known member
seem like i'm the only one who gave myself a high mark, at least in that department i'm confident.

What i want to know is why some of you feel that you don't have great looks when you most likely do

Because they have SA, self distortion. For the most part it's like this trigger in your brain, at least for me. When someone honestly doesn't consider their person attractive there's no convincing them of it until they can say it and know it's true themselves. The more someone tells me I'm attractive the more I become wary of them and wonder why they're lying to me.

Can't believe someone else if you can't believe in yourself first.
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Well-known member
My social problems don't have anything to do with how I feel about myself physically, so I'm gonna say at least a 7 depending on the person. I'm not everyone's cup of tea. But as soon as I open my mouth I think I drop down a few.


Well-known member
seem like i'm the only one who gave myself a high mark, at least in that department i'm confident.

What i want to know is why some of you feel that you don't have great looks when you most likely do

Because of bullying. I have small eyes and one time a group of boys older than me at school walked upto me and asked if i could actually see through my eyes because they're so small. I know some of you may disagree because they look a normal size in the picture, but it's decieving. And going from the post a picture of your eye thread, the majority find bigger eyes more attractive. Not just my eyes though i have terrible skin because of severe acne a few years back, which i was also bullied over and also have a rare skin condition on my cheeks called atrophoderma vermiculata (although it's not as bad as other suffers of this condition). It's horrible how much bullying can effect your whole life, it's like a scar to the brain, them moments of bullying will never fade, therefore there comments will forever be with me and i'll never feel attractive.
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Well-known member
Because of bullying. I have small eyes and one time a group of boys older than me at school walked upto me and asked if i could actually see through my eyes because they're so small. I know some of you may disagree because they look a normal size in the picture, but it's decieving. And going from the post a picture of your eye thread, the majority find bigger eyes more attractive. Not just my eyes though i have terrible skin because of severe acne a few years back, which i was also bullied over. It's horrible how much bullying can effect your whole life, it's like a scar to the brain, them moments of bullying will never fade, therefore there comments will forever be with me and i'll never feel attractive.

Because they have SA, self distortion. For the most part it's like this trigger in your brain, at least for me. When someone honestly doesn't consider their person attractive there's no convincing them of it until they can say it and know it's true themselves. The more someone tells me I'm attractive the more I become wary of them and wonder why they're lying to me.

Can't believe someone else if you can't believe in yourself first.

How stupid of me for asking such question when i feel the same about my personality. I apologize. But I find both you very pretty, I hope that my comment will get stuck in your head instead of the negative ones


Well-known member
Because of bullying. I have small eyes and one time a group of boys older than me at school walked upto me and asked if i could actually see through my eyes because they're so small. I know some of you may disagree because they look a normal size in the picture, but it's decieving. And going from the post a picture of your eye thread, the majority find bigger eyes more attractive. Not just my eyes though i have terrible skin because of severe acne a few years back, which i was also bullied over and also have a rare skin condition on my cheeks called atrophoderma vermiculata (although it's not as bad as other suffers of this condition). It's horrible how much bullying can effect your whole life, it's like a scar to the brain, them moments of bullying will never fade, therefore there comments will forever be with me and i'll never feel attractive.

Aimee, you are beautiful. Beyond it, people are horrible and just because they say things like that does not make it in the least true. Because the majority of people on here believe some certain eye is attractive does not diminish the appeal of yours and certainly doesn't suggest that's how everyone else feels.


Well-known member
How stupid of me for asking such question when i feel the same about my personality. I apologize. But I find both you very pretty, I hope that my comment will get stuck in your head instead of the negative ones

Aww, noo please don't feel stupid for asking a question, it was nice of you to show concern. I'm sorry you feel the same way about your personality, if it helps at all in my opinion from what i've seen of your posts over the forum you're a lovely person. And pretty cool too. ::p::cool:

Aimee, you are beautiful. Beyond it, people are horrible and just because they say things like that does not make it in the least true. Because the majority of people on here believe some certain eye is attractive does not diminish the appeal of yours and certainly doesn't suggest that's how everyone else feels.

Thank you sweetie, i really appreciate it. *hugs*
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Well-known member
Someone called me ugly to my face once. I'd probably give myself a 3. That's being nice.
What i want to know is why some of you feel that you don't have great looks when you most likely do

It's based on what people have told me and just comparing my features to other girls. I know that's bad to do, but there are certain features that are considered attracted and others that are considered unattractive, that's just the way it is. My nose is big, my face is long, and my jaw/chin is large. Basically, my face is horsey. Also, the lack of male attention pretty much lets me know.


Well-known member
Purely on looks alone, I must come across as attractive to guys because of the amount of compliments & times I've been asked out. I'm not gonna guess at an actual number, though. But as for how I appear to girls, I don't know. I guess if I were around lesbians, I would have a better understanding of that. One thing that worries me is that even if I am ever able to overcome my SA/agoraphobia enough to actually date, females wouldn't be attracted to me.


Well-known member
Depends what we are basing it on:

On looks/personatlity I'd go for a 7-8. Anyone who knows me knows I'm totally in love with myself but even so there's room to improve.

Overall I'd say 5. I don't have any qualitications, fancy cars or a big house. Girls want that or else I'd be fighting them off with a point stick.


Well-known member
Aww, noo please don't feel stupid for asking a question, it was nice of you to show concern. I'm sorry you feel the same way about your personality, if it helps at all in my opinion from what i've seen of your posts over the forum you're a lovely person. And pretty cool too. ::p::cool:


Thank you sweetie, i really appreciate it. *hugs*

ah thank you that really made me feel good :)