How desirable do you think you are to the opposite sex?


Well-known member
I'm kind of average I suppose, I don't know. I do try and take care of myself, and my self esteem although low, isn't rock bottom.


Well-known member
I guess a 6 but with all the rejection and being ignored lately I feel like a 1....

I have to keep telling myself... Beauty is in the eye of the beholder over and over again :D


Well-known member
I think I should be considered as fairly desireable, maybe scoring 7 or 8, but that hasn't stopped me being lonely, a virgin and for the most part friendless. I guess that's the lot of the shy male.


Erm, I'd say about a 6. I've had a bit of interest here and there in the past but haven't had the confidence to act on it.


Well-known member
Just on looks, I'd say I usually feel about -.5, but I don't know what others would say. There have been a few females in the past few years after I started to care how I presented myself that said I am "not bad looking". I'm not sure how to take that. When I'm feeling confident, which is very rarely, I feel like maybe 7. Stupidly enough, much of my confidence seems to hinge on how good a job I did shaving that morning.


Well-known member
in all honesty probably a 4-5 taking into account all the positive attributes girls generally look for in terms of interests, skill, clothes, personality finances/security...maybe a 3.

Silvox Black

Well-known member
The deep, deep negatives. Not only am I not appealing to the opposite sex, the opposite sex is actually offended by my presence. I would say -10.