in a VAN down by the RIVER
It good to know someone relates. The problem is I can't sleep most of day because I won't sleep good at night and it hurts my eyes to sleep a long time other then night time sometimes. Although I tried. What do you suggest I do for boredom because of anxiety and lack of motivation?
It sounds lame but I'll sketch or try to do something else creative when I'm bored. Sometimes I'll spend all day in Photoshop or something similar. I used to enjoy After Effects for animation but I've had trouble running it on my current PC. They're all good options and none of them have killer learning curves, especially sketching. When I was a kid I'd write but I can't concentrate like I used to so that's pretty much out, plus I don't feel my writing talent has progressed like my artistic ability has.
TL;DR: I try to do something creative.