How are you feeling?

Aww. That reminds me of my late kitty, Zooey. She LOVED boxes. :)

The noise from the video alone scared my cat. She would never ride that thing around.

This is my favorite cat video:
YouTube - Surprised Kitty (Original)

How about some love for the dogs?? Ok, this video isn't really about the dog, but it makes me laugh.

As for me, I saw my therapist again today. We had a good conversation about some things that have been bothering me since ... forever. To celebrate, I had an "Orange Blast" ice cream float at the soda fountain. It was good, but it really packed a punch.
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Well-known member
Coffee really makes my mood better; heh. Need to find a better solution for that tho lol. Gotta to get ready for dinner with my brother and his GF for my "bday" ughhh... put on a happy face. =)


Well-known member
w00t Thanks Pheonixx, *hugs* I am the one always saying this to others, need to hear it from someone else sometimes =D Gonna try to even enjoy it a little. Try. =D
^ Aw *hugs back* Yeah it's always nice to hear it from someone else. It's like, even though you tell yourself the same thing, it's just not as convincing :rolleyes: Anyway, good luck!


Well-known member
Coffee really makes my mood better; heh. Need to find a better solution for that tho lol. Gotta to get ready for dinner with my brother and his GF for my "bday" ughhh... put on a happy face. =)

Aw that's sweet that your brother and his GF are having dinner with you for your birthday.
Wait birthday... Happy birthday!


Well-known member
supposed to go to a bar tonight (anxiety) with a friend who's currently unreachable (anxiety- will this even happen?).
Whats the use of finding the solution to something, if the depression drains every single part of the ability to DO the solution out of you.:confused:


Well-known member
getting pissed. still no word from my friend. she is hard to get ahold of, everything is constantly in shambles for her (at least that's what she says), and she's always late. it's always been this way and i've always been forgiving. but since our other friend pointed out how disrespectful it is it's starting to piss me off, too. like now i feel validated in being pissed about it instead of thinking, "oh, that's just how she is." she is a grown adult. :/ so maybe i'm not going out tonight after all. i organized my whole day around this, too. oh look. it's my phone. no joke.

edited: ok i guess i am going
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Well-known member
Fantastic! After a week full of vomiting, panic attacks, trembling, and crying, everything is finally getting better. :)


Well-known member
Fantastic! After a week full of vomiting, panic attacks, trembling, and crying, everything is finally getting better. :)

Getting better finally! :)

My family dinner thing is over. Went to El Torito. Havent had a drink for 5 months; just had a few; def. wasnt bad getting a buzz. I was flirting a little with the waitress waiting on us; but - awk with family there... once realized I was and they were there did an immediate 180 and I became awk whenever she came back to the table. I just am more awk around my family then anyone it seems.

Anyways... it was good; I had very little anxiety about it; just; more apathetic about it; I kinda zoned out just didnt feel like putting on a show and trying to converse much and talk. And they didnt ask if anything was wrong or anything, I said I had a headache before we left. So... yeah. Love my bro's girlfriend she's great; very talkative, like --- poptart cat with words.

Anyways... back to the bleh life.


Well-known member
Getting better finally! :)

My family dinner thing is over. Went to El Torito. Havent had a drink for 5 months; just had a few; def. wasnt bad getting a buzz. I was flirting a little with the waitress waiting on us; but - awk with family there... once realized I was and they were there did an immediate 180 and I became awk whenever she came back to the table. I just am more awk around my family then anyone it seems.

Anyways... it was good; I had very little anxiety about it; just; more apathetic about it; I kinda zoned out just didnt feel like putting on a show and trying to converse much and talk. And they didnt ask if anything was wrong or anything, I said I had a headache before we left. So... yeah. Love my bro's girlfriend she's great; very talkative, like --- poptart cat with words.

Anyways... back to the bleh life.
^ Glad you had a good time. :)