How are you feeling?


Well-known member
^^Like now. My birthday ironically on Earth Day - (and Good Friday too lol) just reminds me how SA/AvPD has effected my life - all I've missed because of it; what my birthday COULD be today in RL but wont be. How I feel 19 not... meh 24. Or 25 =/ Damn 24 sounded bad last year sounds good now lol. I meh 20 frakin 5. Goood lord.

BUT - in my efforts to fight through those negative/depressing thoughts; what's done is done. I only can go forward. What could have been today COULD be next year. WILL be way better. I have, hopefully, many years to perhaps not make up for some years lost; I did have good years till I was 22. And heck I can find good times in the last 3 years...

Our neurons are so twisted to seek and pull out all the negative side of things, Im trying to turn over the positive side of each event. Because like Yin/Yang, it DOES exist. Even the supposedly worst things. Small as something positive could be...

Hmm now I'm ranting. Meh. Hard to fight through negative thoughts; my neural pathways know little other paths to take. ::(: *slaps that frown to*: :) BAH gotta get out of the house...


Well-known member
So sayeth the SuperMod.

"So it shall be written, so it shall be done."

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Well-known member
^^Yay Blue, headache free!

Now I have a headache. Knew my high today after exercise would go crash. Ugh. Cant help but think of bad things now. Hopefully will pass... gonna go meditate or some ****. Lie down. Idk. Weeeee.
^^Yay Blue, headache free!

Now I have a headache. Knew my high today after exercise would go crash. Ugh. Cant help but think of bad things now. Hopefully will pass... gonna go meditate or some ****. Lie down. Idk. Weeeee.

oh no! you can't get a headache on your Birthday Lemur.::(:
I will therefore sing in a very soft/quiet voice....
"Happyyyyy Birthday to yooooooooou, Happy birthday to yooooooooou.....":D


Well-known member
^^Yay Blue, headache free!

Now I have a headache. Knew my high today after exercise would go crash. Ugh. Cant help but think of bad things now. Hopefully will pass... gonna go meditate or some ****. Lie down. Idk. Weeeee.

It will, it will, it willlllll pass : ) feel bettar


Well-known member
oh no! you can't get a headache on your Birthday Lemur.::(:
I will therefore sing in a very soft/quiet voice....
"Happyyyyy Birthday to yooooooooou, Happy birthday to yooooooooou.....":D

It will, it will, it willlllll pass : ) feel bettar

Thanks you two. =) Blue you have a wonderful voice, sing louder! ;) I feel not better. Still headache. Only natural birthday blues to happen. Whatever. I'll get over it... eventually =)


Suicidal. Had something of a nervous breakdown earlier today. I'm losing the energy to fight my problems.

Edit: Wow, my avatar SO does not go with this post. hah


Well-known member
Suicidal. Had something of a nervous breakdown earlier today. I'm losing the energy to fight my problems.

Edit: Wow, my avatar SO does not go with this post. hah

I've lost my energy too, and I could say, almost suicidal but I've only been in that state once a while ago and I'll never go back there; EVER. But doesn't mean I cant go low enough where everything seems hopeless... but... =/ it'll pass............

Im sorry
you're feeling so much sadness and pain. But you can feel like your avatar pic again. Seeing it makes me smile, and I've had limited of those today, despite my happy mood earlier.

Impossible as it may seem right now, you WILL get better. You aren't the type, to give up. Don't do anything hasty. ::eek:::)

Here. I hug. Like a tiger.



Aww. Thanks Lemur. Wish I had friends here to give me a real life hug. It doesn't help that I'm so lonely *sigh* but I'm certainly not the only one here with that problem....


Well-known member
Aww. Thanks Lemur. Wish I had friends here to give me a real life hug. It doesn't help that I'm so lonely *sigh* but I'm certainly not the only one here with that problem....

Me too. =(

Time to sleep. And let today go into yesterdays papers and focus on tomorrow's BS I gotta deal with and THEN Sunday I can get back to the fight again.