How are you feeling?

Very down.... slept too long, horrible dreams, feeling horrible about my life.... :(

Oversleeping comes with certain side affects. Usually tiredness. Try consistency. Consistent sleep is a great idea. I have tried it, works great, just fragile.

yeah im glad the jobs are done.....theyve just left now....still feel kinda empty- lol u cant win with me =/ can hear lots of kids playing outside so ive shut all the windows. nevermind willl be bed soon :)

Empty feeling, been through it, know it. You may benefit talking with others you potentially know about ideas and things that interest you. In other words, try opening up. Something I struggle with everyday.

Let them know you and you get to know them.
Frustrated and sick to my stomach. I was supposed to be celebrating my daughter's birthday at my mom's house today, but my ex somehow "didn't know" that I was picking the kids up early this morning (about 6 and a half hours ago :rolleyes:), and decided to stay overnight about 4 or 5 hours away... so now, I have no idea when he's getting back (whenever I call his phone, I get a recording "the wireless customer you are calling is unavailable, etc..."), and my entire family (many from out of town and had to specially plan their schedules to be there) is at my mom's house (another hour from here- and some family members needed to leave by now) waiting for a party that my daughter might not even make it for. ::(:


Well-known member
Frustrated and sick to my stomach. I was supposed to be celebrating my daughter's birthday at my mom's house today, but my ex somehow "didn't know" that I was picking the kids up early this morning (about 6 and a half hours ago :rolleyes:), and decided to stay overnight about 4 or 5 hours away... so now, I have no idea when he's getting back (whenever I call his phone, I get a recording "the wireless customer you are calling is unavailable, etc..."), and my entire family (many from out of town and had to specially plan their schedules to be there) is at my mom's house (another hour from here- and some family members needed to leave by now) waiting for a party that my daughter might not even make it for. ::(:

that really sucks, I'm sorry that you have to go through that
that really sucks, I'm sorry that you have to go through that

Thanks... I just needed to let that out somewhere. It really irks me, and I should be really angry (and I am, but more upset), because even if he didn't know about my plans for today (his girlfriend did, and said the kids would be ready for me at 8 am), with the arrangement we have worked out, this would be my day to have the kids, and it would have been at least a courtesy for him to call me and find out what time I wanted to get them today before he made the decision to turn his day-trip yesterday into an over-nighter. My mom thinks he did it on purpose, and I'm not really sure... she offered to chew him out if I would give her the phone number- I kind of want to, but I know I could never go through with it (another reason I'm feeling frustrated because I feel like my family see me as this huge push-over). And when I did have a brief conversation with him today (he finally called me back around 11am), all I could do was bust out sobbing (I'm even trying hard not to do it at this moment) about the party that was supposed to be going on right at that moment, and he said he would call me back after he talked to his gf... that was 4 hours ago, and I'm not even sure I'll get the kids today at all, because the plan I discussed with her was that I would have them in the morning and bring them back by late afternoon so they could also celebrate her party... so I've been left hanging unsure whether I should wait to get the kids (if I get them) and try to go, or if I should just go to my family's house by myself and give up on the idea of bringing the kids today... but I feel like I don't want to go without them, all of their cousins are there, I feel like it would be a huge letdown to show up without them, but at this rate we won't be showing up at all... sigh. Sorry for the mini-rant. ::eek::


Well-known member
^it does sound like he's pulling this whole thing on purpose - like he knows exactly what he's doing - it's a passive/aggressive attack on you, and he doesn't care who else is affected

in my opinion, that's a pretty crappy example for him to set for your kids

it puts you in a tough position, because you don't want to set a bad example, too, by throwing a fit and fighting with him in the middle of the situation - and that would only make your kids feel bad for feeling like they caused the whole thing

i guess you can consider yourself fortunate not to still be married to him


Well-known member
Frustrated and sick to my stomach. I was supposed to be celebrating my daughter's birthday at my mom's house today, but my ex somehow "didn't know" that I was picking the kids up early this morning (about 6 and a half hours ago :rolleyes:), and decided to stay overnight about 4 or 5 hours away... so now, I have no idea when he's getting back (whenever I call his phone, I get a recording "the wireless customer you are calling is unavailable, etc..."), and my entire family (many from out of town and had to specially plan their schedules to be there) is at my mom's house (another hour from here- and some family members needed to leave by now) waiting for a party that my daughter might not even make it for. ::(:

This makes me mad. And I hate this happened to you.


Well-known member
Thanks... I just needed to let that out somewhere. It really irks me, and I should be really angry (and I am, but more upset), because even if he didn't know about my plans for today (his girlfriend did, and said the kids would be ready for me at 8 am), with the arrangement we have worked out, this would be my day to have the kids, and it would have been at least a courtesy for him to call me and find out what time I wanted to get them today before he made the decision to turn his day-trip yesterday into an over-nighter. My mom thinks he did it on purpose, and I'm not really sure... she offered to chew him out if I would give her the phone number- I kind of want to, but I know I could never go through with it (another reason I'm feeling frustrated because I feel like my family see me as this huge push-over). And when I did have a brief conversation with him today (he finally called me back around 11am), all I could do was bust out sobbing (I'm even trying hard not to do it at this moment) about the party that was supposed to be going on right at that moment, and he said he would call me back after he talked to his gf... that was 4 hours ago, and I'm not even sure I'll get the kids today at all, because the plan I discussed with her was that I would have them in the morning and bring them back by late afternoon so they could also celebrate her party... so I've been left hanging unsure whether I should wait to get the kids (if I get them) and try to go, or if I should just go to my family's house by myself and give up on the idea of bringing the kids today... but I feel like I don't want to go without them, all of their cousins are there, I feel like it would be a huge letdown to show up without them, but at this rate we won't be showing up at all... sigh. Sorry for the mini-rant. ::eek::

You deserve a rant after that much...
You deserve a rant after that much...

Thanks. I am feeling a little better now... after having a chat with my mom about rescheduling her party for Easter Sunday, and finally hearing from my ex a few minutes ago (and he's still 3 hours away, I guess his trip was farther than I thought). I don't want to face him, because I'll either cry or blow up at him (which wouldn't be good in front of the kids).


Well-known member
Thank you for the welcome! Glad there's someone who can empathize with me.

This morning I'm feeling better. I got to clean up after my brother's mess. Cleaning is therapeutic...

Glad to hear you're feeling better. And cleaning is definitely therapeutic, even for me.


Well-known member
horribly alone and unwanted. ::(: why do i go through these spells where i can't handle isolation???? :mad:tomorrow i'll probably be fine with it and content if i'm the only person in the world. :confused:


horribly alone and unwanted. ::(: why do i go through these spells where i can't handle isolation???? :mad:tomorrow i'll probably be fine with it and content if i'm the only person in the world. :confused:

Oh, I know JUST what you mean. You're not alone. I go through this constantly.
My medicine is knocking me flat on my ass. I usually get up around noon and I'm really groggy. This morning I sent my mother a completely incoherent text. :) I'm going to have to discuss this with my doc.


Well-known member
My medicine is knocking me flat on my ass. I usually get up around noon and I'm really groggy. This morning I sent my mother a completely incoherent text. :) I'm going to have to discuss this with my doc.

Your body may just need time to adapt. Or a lower dose. How long have you been on it? Definitely talk w/ your Doc.