How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Too much to do this next week school wise ughhh. Should hve a happy attitude about it because a lot is filming things my major but Im not hah.


I know writing this won't help. But I'm really having a hard time.

You're right, it wont help ::(:, I am glad seeing old faces here though. There are many new people I don't recognize because I don't keep following the forum often.


Well-known member
I'm feeling ickgrrrrrrrrrsobsighsob. Mmmhm...

Hey Deus I'm actually a bit jealous that you have work to do. That can definitely be a good thing when a lonely life can move so slowly.... Hope it goes well, I bet you'll handle it fine ;)


Well-known member
feeling... accomplished, a bit. Managed to get the attick a bit better looking... still long way to go, at least some views are way more pleasant now..

only ate fruit and protein (tuna & eggs) today, thanks to EscapeArtist (felt really crappy in the morning and yesterday, due to too much bread etc, feeling better now)..

parents came home - first thing mum did/said was being critical (not to me, to sis, she leaves me alone/doesn't dare nag at me these days) but c'mon! of course I had to hear everything and reply! yikes. and they want us to be 'normal'? grr!!

ok, couldn't resist some dark chocolate now..

was feeling depressed and found this cool topic: Teenage Girls Are Depressed – Well, Duh!
(am not a teenager but can totally relate to the spirit of this article - duh!!)


Well-known member
Not such a great few days for me. I'll feel a bit better if we win tomorrow, but overall it's the same old things bothering me again.
I utterly detest myself. I'm such a f*** up

Why? We all mess things up now and again. I am trying to place detest. Hate is strong. But I am borderline with the idea of detest being just above it (not hate) or below, past hatred and into the realm deathly dreading my existence.

I have become carried away. Sorry. Malady, you are a gifted and unique person. May be time to start worrying about what you care about and less of what others will say or think.

Possibly you already do this and I do not understand the troubles. Just trying to pass on some potentially hard advice.