How are you feeling?


Well-known member

Same wavelength today. I feel this way because I'm helping a person give the best insight I can (which was asked for, as well as other ppl's) and essentially nothing I said/wrote was taken or trusted it seemed - just a grammatical fix. Never even replied/mentioned me. And if I have SOME confidence in anything it's this (that'd be screenwriting/story/writing in general).

Frustrating - that spins a whirligig cycle of not trusting myself now and abilities -

Anyways hah not to unappreciate your unappreciation Maladay with my own unappreciation... =)


Well-known member
*Lets out a FRUSTRATED SCREAM* I don't understand why my life never ever goes as per planned. *MORE FRUSTRATED SCREAMS* now, I just hope I could do this in real life, though if I do, my family would think I'm going loony again. And I'm so disappointed this guy hasen't called up nor messaged since Monday, though for the past few weeks, we've been going out on weekends. And then again, its not like he's actually a nice person, he's pretty terrible actually, that's why I suggested we could only be dating, and not have anything further, but kicks you in the shin when he hasen't contacted me, not sure what I feel really, that's why I say I just want to scream out loud...

Now, I'm just trying to think of how terrible he is so I wouldn't soften and contact him. Sometimes, I wonder how I can get myself into these messes, amazing.
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Well-known member
imagine how lonely you are

imagine how suffocatingly depressed you are

imagine then that you're seven times worse in terms of being utterly depressed and your body is recoiling in pain, you can't sit still and you can't stand up. The only thing that alleviates this crushing anxiety pain and sadness are pills you can't afford. The only opiate thats affordable to you is heroin, but you said you'd never touch that ****. That's for drug addicts. But everyday you become more suicidal, more gone to the depression and pain. you lose more of your humanity everyday you're jolted awake at four in the morning and your bones are on fire.

when is the breaking point? can you resist forever? $10 for 4 hits, that'll keep you high and normal for three days for a couple weeks. Don't think of the month or so after that where it takes $20 then $30..Doesn't that sound nice?

Don't do drugs kids.


Well-known member
Insane, brainsick, psychotic, bat****, delusional, crackpot, lunatic, buggy, touched, deranged, nuts, nutcase, bananas, wacko, wacky, cuckoo, fruitcake, fruity, fruit loops, mad, crackers, batty, balmy, loony, potty, crazed, bonkers, daffy, daft, screwy, warped, disturbed, half-baked, unbalanced, sick, unhinged, demented, bizarre, dingbat, ding-a-ling, wierdo, kook, screwball, wacky, dippy, gaga, loco, out to lunch, crazy as a loon, having a screw loose, having bats in one's belfry, having lost one's marbles, around the bend, crazy as a coot, not all there, not right in one's head, off one's dot, off one's rocker, on the dark side of the moon, off one's onion, out of (or off) one's head, out of one's mind, touched in the head, mad as a fruitcake, mad as a hatter, looney-tunes, lost one's marbles, not playing with a full deck, soft in the head, not all there.


Well-known member
Like I put one step forward, and 973 steps back!

One step forward is a step in the right direction! It's a start and don't let that discourage you. Big kudos for your one step forward, it must take even more effort if you are feeling like you are going backwards. I sense there must be will in you in such a case. Step backs are normally temporary as long as you have one foot in the right direction at some time


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Lonely, miserable, indifferent, wortless and any other negative word that comes to mind. Depression getting me really down as of late. ::(:

F**king hate feeling like this. :mad:


Well-known member
Like I don't fit in with my family at all. I wish I was somewhere else right now. I want to leave asap...time to start looking for a job again. I don't like being here, around them all day.


Lonely, miserable, indifferent, wortless and any other negative word that comes to mind. Depression getting me really down as of late. ::(:

F**king hate feeling like this. :mad:

I'm so sory to hear that! Depression really sucks! Just breaks my heart:(

Try to figure out something that can distract u for awhile! Get some routines, make some exercice....learn something new! Just get OUT OF HOME...that's the worst for depression!

Hope u get better soon!


Like I don't fit in with my family at all. I wish I was somewhere else right now. I want to leave asap...time to start looking for a job again. I don't like being here, around them all day.

Getting a job will resolve some of that problems. At least u will get some distraction for part of the day! Meanwhile try to spend a outdoor time....maybe a sport (gym, walking) or go to a library u will feel much better! break a leg dude!