How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I feel mixed.

Happy because I have a dinner date with someone I met a few weeks ago but kinda.. disappointed when I saw what he currently looks like. (He's still the age he said he was, he just looks different than what I imagined). Still, he's so sweet and we have a lot in common- plus I've always been a firm believer in true beauty being so much more than skin deep. :)

Also kinda mellow/lonely because I haven't really socialized in a while.
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Well-known member
Feeling kinda down. No surprise really, it's been coming...

I just hate feeling like a freak of nature, but I just can't shake the feeling off. ::(:


Well-known member
I feel like this day could be really good or really bad.
Well, it's the first day of my 3-month-to-conquer-anxiety/depression challenge thing and the first 4ish days are always the most difficult to begin any routines/habits.
Took vitamins so far... but didn't go for morning run because ankles were sore. So I will just work extra hard in the gym in the evening.
So hope day 1 goes well, or, just goes.


Well-known member
My head hurts a little. My stomach won't take food. Have yet to wash-up.
All will happen in the eventual hour.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
Not quite. More like this:


My finger is all weird and tingly now, but I will probably live. ::p:


Well-known member
I don't think I ever felt so hateful and angry at everything like I do now. I want to smash things then go jump off a building.


Well-known member

Upset because a friend I've known for 9 years won't drive with me to a concert. He's going to the same concert with some other friends of his and apparently it's such a big deal to not drive in the same car with me for 30 minutes to and from the concert, when he doesn't even have to hang out with me at all at the actual concert if he doesn't want to, I DON'T CARE. I just want to go to the concert. The thing is though, if I don't find someone to drive in the car with me, my mom won't let me go in case the car breaks down or something, she doesn't want me to be alone.

And I'm so much of a loser that I have no other friends to ask if they'd want to come with me, without feeling like I'd be asking too much or thinking I'd look pathetic.

Unless HIS plans change, though, I won't be attending the concert that HE keeps bragging to me about.

And it's not like I don't drive him home from work every so often. You would think someone who is practically a brother would do something as petty as driving in a car with you ::(:


Well-known member
Like a failure. Stressed about a presentation I have to do Thurs. And I'm extremely exhausted. Basically, I just feel nothing but anger and stress and disappointment.