How are you feeling?


Well-known member


Well-known member
Wish I had money so I can afford classes to occupy my mind.

Barnes and Noble( the book sellers) has free online classes. I took one on "Zen" was great-the author headed-up the discussions.

can't afford the books... get them free loan through your local library. They can order any book for you. Just ask.

They have other classes on all kinds of stuff last I checked all for free.


Well-known member
Pretty good, actually, I just performed in an orchestra concert. I was the concert master, meaning I had to walk onstage by myself, stand on the conductor's podium, and tune the orchestra. I also had several solos. It was awesome, though, since I barely even got nervous! Usually whenever I play in an orchestra concerts make me freeze even if I'm sitting way in back, but this time I actually felt pretty controlled. Maaaybe this means my anxiety is starting to improve?
Pretty good, actually, I just performed in an orchestra concert. I was the concert master, meaning I had to walk onstage by myself, stand on the conductor's podium, and tune the orchestra. I also had several solos. It was awesome, though, since I barely even got nervous! Usually whenever I play in an orchestra concerts make me freeze even if I'm sitting way in back, but this time I actually felt pretty controlled. Maaaybe this means my anxiety is starting to improve?

How do you tune an orchestra?


Well-known member
I've had enough of this century, I'm going to run away from it all and live in the bush and forage and hunt and never wash and forget how to speak and sleep under the stars and eat fish like gollum and learn how to tell the date using a pile of rocks and stuff.

My ****ing dream. I would, quite seriously, join you, if you planned it a year from now.
Man, I swear too much...


Well-known member
Anxious and sad. I also feel disappointed and ashamed that I am seemingly allowing my struggles overwhelm me once again.