How are you feeling?


Frustrated as hell.I wen't into my overdraft a month back,and I have literally gone a month without food or heating,just to try and get myself straight.But like a week before I'm just about to get back on track..boom I get hit with another bill I wasn't expecting.

It's stressing me out deciding if I wan't to have food in or have heating in,it's getting bloody cold too.


Well-known member
Very excited and scared at the same time :D Just got a letter in the mail telling me im invited for a job interview! I wrote them an application letter, but they told me they wanted to fill the position internally. Apparently they couldnt find anyone. Really didnt expect this so im positively surprised!

But there is a little problem. It's schedualed at the 28th of october. This is the same day as my intake interview with my ironic. I have been waiting for this for almost 2 months now because of the waitinglist. What should i do?? :p


Well-known member
Frustrated as hell.I wen't into my overdraft a month back,and I have literally gone a month without food or heating,just to try and get myself straight.But like a week before I'm just about to get back on track..boom I get hit with another bill I wasn't expecting.

It's stressing me out deciding if I wan't to have food in or have heating in,it's getting bloody cold too.

Oh that sucks. I'd go for food. Not eating makes your body and your mind weak. You can always dress warm. Very bad situation btw. How did you get into that?


Oh that sucks. I'd go for food. Not eating makes your body and your mind weak. You can always dress warm. Very bad situation btw. How did you get into that?

They took my benefits off me a while back,and the bills built up while I had no money.I payed most of them rather than have them hanging over my head but I couldn't really afford them and I'm going without because of it now.

Thanks for the advice,your right I can always just put more layers on,but I've just noticed I'm running low on electric too :rolleyes: Oh joy.


Well-known member
They took my benefits off me a while back,and the bills built up while I had no money.I payed most of them rather than have them hanging over my head but I couldn't really afford them and I'm going without because of it now.

Thanks for the advice,your right I can always just put more layers on,but I've just noticed I'm running low on electric too :rolleyes: Oh joy.

Ouch. It sounds like its time to get a quick job::p: Good thing you paid of some of your other bills. They can get huge when you dont pay them in time. A roommate of mine got in big money trouble because of this. Some easy 50 dollar bills became 250 dollar or more. That would be a waste of money...

I dont know what your situation is but maybe you should look into living smaller if possible. If you are not carefull you can end up on the streets. Dont know if im exaggerating though


I dont know what your situation is but maybe you should look into living smaller if possible. If you are not carefull you can end up on the streets. Dont know if im exaggerating though

I'm not going to get kicked out,my rent is payed for me due to being on long term sick.And you can't really live any smaller than not having food or gas for hot water ::p: I will be fine in a few weeks,just I have to go without right now.

But yeah at the small bills turning into big bills if you ignore them,they to come back and bit you in the ass if you try and ignore them.I hope your room mate managed to get back on his feet,it's horrible living hand to mouth.


Well-known member
I'm not going to get kicked out,my rent is payed for me due to being on long term sick.And you can't really live any smaller than not having food or gas for hot water ::p: I will be fine in a few weeks,just I have to go without right now.

But yeah at the small bills turning into big bills if you ignore them,they to come back and bit you in the ass if you try and ignore them.I hope your room mate managed to get back on his feet,it's horrible living hand to mouth.

Ah im glad. Ending up on the street for someone with SA would be extremely hard ::p:

Btw my roommate is a criminal. He is in prison now (for the second time). He deals drugs and does all kind of bad stuff. He moved out 2 months ago. Im still very happy about that! I think my SA spontaniously got less when he moved out ::p: You dont want to know how f**ked up the situation was... Never chose to live with him though, my landlord put him in.



Been there and done that,I got kicked out when I was like 17,being homeless was pretty horrible ::p: But thanks.

And well I don't have much sympathy for your roomate then if that's the type of lifestyle he chose to lead.Not that I'm judging him. Weirdly enough I just had a mate staying here who had just got out of prison for dealing,so I can appreciate it's not nice living with someone who get's up to crap like that.They tend to be scroungers despite dealing drugs they are also always skint :rolleyes:Not to mention the drama they can bring to your door.

But I'm glad you feel better now he's gone,it's not nice when someone brings stress into the one place your meant to feel safe.

@Malady,you won't believe me but your neither old or ugly.Anyway omg at a new kitty,you so have to post pictures when you get the time :D


Well-known member
Old and ugly and lazy and gross ::(: bleurgh

I'm getting my new kitten in half an hour though so I'm excited :)

From the pictures ive seen you dont look old and ugly at all. I even think you are kinda hot ;) And cool you are getting a new kitten'.


Well-known member
I need to change. I may not like it and others may not like it either but it has to be done. Going along doing the same things and acting the same way only keeps everything the same.

Thats something I need. If I can just get the monkeys off my back.


Well-known member
I feel like punching a wall in sheer frustration, and boredom. I'm really regretting not making any friends in real life.