How are you feeling?


Well-known member
That internal dissatisfaction, rage, and horrible loneliness. I hate what happens to me with food. The feeling of wishing that I wanted to die. Feeling of body wanting to harm self. Feeling that can't be rid through posting complaints on SPworld.


Well-known member
That internal dissatisfaction, rage, and horrible loneliness. I hate what happens to me with food. The feeling of wishing that I wanted to die. Feeling of body wanting to harm self. Feeling that can't be rid through posting complaints on SPworld.

what can you do differently next time?

concentrate on that


My cat came back. Little bitch had me worried for 5 days. She is insane, I even sent out pamphlets and do i get any appreciation...NO...she just comes in here...has a nibble then takes off again.... no appreciation or respect...she reminds me of society...


Well-known member
You know that feeling when you're walking on air and everything looks like it's been seen through rainbow coloured glasses, and the world seems alive with happiness and joy. Well, that's exactly how I don't feel right now.


not actually Fiona Apple
:mad: I don't like when my roommate talks about me on the phone when I'm in the room. Especially when it makes me sound pathetic ::(:


Very flat,drained and just burnt out right now.Though I'm determined to start crawling my way out of this rut.My goal for tomorrow is to blitz the flat and get up to my Mum's to tidy for her too.

And now I'm starting to put weight back on I can think about doing more workout's at the gym.I'm just going to try and take it slow this time..It's hard taking a step forward only to get knocked two back.


Well-known member
I'm feeling ok now. Had a bad week but I seem to have weathered the storm. It's a mix feeling though, as I know things will take a change for the worst eventually, so what little content I have now will not last. But at least at this moment I'm fine.