How are you feeling?

I don't think so, the latter infers something may be wrong. The first is an interest in ones current emotion, nothing more.

And we have a difference between two.

Well done.

To answer your question, there is always something wrong. Its whether I choose to make the wrong noticeable or not. I may unknowingly announce differently, prefer to stick with -- I'm fine.


Well-known member
Way too depressed. This is just unfair. Really unfair. The amount of problems I have for my own can make a small city miserable. Suicide anytime I get the courage for it now... ::(: ::(:


Well-known member
Way too depressed. This is just unfair. Really unfair. The amount of problems I have for my own can make a small city miserable. Suicide anytime I get the courage for it now... ::(: ::(:

stop that! - tomorrow you get to start again

one thing at a time

eventually, it will all get done

if it doesn't, it didn't need to get done in the first place


Well-known member
I need to change. I may not like it and others may not like it either but it has to be done. Going along doing the same things and acting the same way only keeps everything the same.
I need to change. I may not like it and others may not like it either but it has to be done. Going along doing the same things and acting the same way only keeps everything the same.

Then it's time for change.
I've done a lot of changing. From the way I talk to people to my stance.
Life becomes an irritant when it is the same day in and day out.

In my opinion. Or IMO for those in the language of Online-speak.
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Well-known member
My cats gone missing. I havent seen her for nearly 3 days. Worried that she might be dead...or "rescued"
She may have gotten herself trapped somewhere or just gone for a wander and lost her bearings. My cat went missing for nearly a week once, he turned up at 3am very hungry but otherwise healthy. God knows where the hell he was.


She may have gotten herself trapped somewhere or just gone for a wander and lost her bearings. My cat went missing for nearly a week once, he turned up at 3am very hungry but otherwise healthy. God knows where the hell he was.

She is an outdoors cat, she has disappeared before but not for this long. I hope that is the case with mine :) I am going door knocking tomorrow.


Well-known member
She is an outdoors cat, she has disappeared before but not for this long. I hope that is the case with mine :) I am going door knocking tomorrow.
Its worth printing up some leaflets as well so your neighbors have a visual reminder to keep an eye out for her, displaying them at local shops is a good way to get the word out as well. Good luck :)


Well-known member
Not good at all.

Mum just took me through a letter saying that i am being ordered to pay £295 for illegal downloading.

I've just been dismissed from my job and now this.. :(


Well-known member
Trying to get some of my feelings out so some people (if attempting to read my stuff on FB) will know some things on my mind.