How are you feeling?

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
I hate waiting for someone to arrive, waiting for a knock on the door. My heart's pounding and I can hardly breath properly

Oh I know that feeling only too well. ::(:

I pace around like a caged tiger when I know someone is coming, or even if I'm waiting for a phone call. The tension and anxiety just seems to build and build.


Well-known member
Ditto ::(: it was only my sister too, it's just that anticipation. I can never just relax and get on with what I'm doing, can't even sit still. It's silly but I can't help it

I hate in when family comes by. I feel more nervous every time. I can sit still but I am bracing for a possible confrontation and or the possibility of looking weak.
People who don't know are difficult but easier for me.


Well-known member
I always feel like utter s*** after seeing my sister ::(:

Same with my only brother. It is like he is growing into my deceased father.
Pains him to see me too but he cant just be cool about it he has to open his big mouth. I tried to get closer with him but he is just plainly the opposite of me. He knows it, I know it and we have a seemingly impossible positive time around each other. ohh I am just babbling on. Nice to complain again though:D


nobody likes me once they get to know me ::(: I want to stop giving a damn. I want to get wasted

That's not true hun.You really do have friends and people who care about you on here.And it's not just people trying to be nice or taking pity on you believe me.I would like to think I know you a little and your one of the sweetest caring people I have met.I think a lot of people would say the same thing.


Well-known member
I have gotten myself trapped into a painful circle of anxiety.

I feel fear of being seen, my vicious thoughts are racing,, and I have triggered my flight response again.

Utterly maddening third day in a row.

I am told that I should call my prescription doctor. I dont wish to tell him nothing. He is just getting paid to make decisions for me that I could have figured on my own. I see him every three months and he tells me something different about my medicines every time. I will see my therapist on Friday and she will make a note for him to see. Fair enough.


WOW... the girl I get coffee from gave me the HARDOUT evils today. Man... the pure hatred, If only I could syphon the power I have over people and use it for good. What a world we would live in....


Well-known member
Empty, robotic, tired. I don't even feel like a person.


Like a zombie? Scary.