How are you feeling?

some guy i barely met came up to me and said, "hey. it's my favorite retarded friend."

i am trying to convince myself he was referring to someone behind me. it is possible but i really thought he was talking to me. who says that? i know i am socially retarded but this guy out-socially-retards me if he openly speaks so crudely to people.

and YES, if it makes me retarded, i would much rather hang out with fun, cute children than mingle with the likes of predictable, boring, drugged up meatheads who think they are too cool for school and look like a walking std. i'd love to box this guy in his scabby nethers.

How, dreadfully obnoxious he is. Try not to drive in circles with this. Ignore it. You are better.

I am sorry that happened Dottie.

What an idiot jerk.

Is it possible to be an idiot-jerk?


Well-known member
Is it possible to be an idiot-jerk?[/QUOTE]

Idiot: A person of subnormal intelligence.
Jerk: A foolish, rude, or contemptible person.

I had to think it over and get the defs.
Seems to work together
Idiot: A person of subnormal intelligence.
Jerk: A foolish, rude, or contemptible person.

I had to think it over and get the defs.
Seems to work together

I feel a tad better in knowing I'm not alone with looking up definitions to be correct.

Ever wonder what the definition of definition is: 'a concise explanation of the meaning of a word or phrase or symbol.'


actually had a day today at work where i felt semi normal...a rare thing honestly...sadly, tomorrow will likely compensate for today and be extra bad ::(:

petrified eyes

Well-known member
actually had a day today at work where i felt semi normal...a rare thing honestly...sadly, tomorrow will likely compensate for today and be extra bad ::(:

By thinking that way, you've already committed yourself to having a bad day tomorrow. Instead, try thinking "Today was a pretty good day, tomorrow will be a good day too." More often than not, it will be. :)

Lost Girl

Well-known member
I can't stop crying from frustration, and can't stop thinking of suicide. I'm not suicidal, I'm sure I'm not. I remember trying to kill myself as a teenage girl, stealing all my fathers pills and taking them all, drinking down pure chemicals in a manic state - that is suicidal, and probably contributed to what is wrong with my mind today now that I think about it. But it just seems like the most logical decision in my circumstance. Logic, haha, no I'm not a very logical person, but this is the viewpoint I am seeing the situation from. I cannot function as a normal citizen out in the community, I cannot be the mother and partner that my family deserve, and on top of this, I don't like the world I'm in. I hate it. Can suicide not be perfectly logical and the correct path to choose without it being just a selfish and cowardly way out? I know it would break my daughter's heart and my partner's, but I really do wonder if me being alive will only do them more harm in the long run than the betrayal of me just ending my life now. I think that I should just get away for a while, have a break. But I have nowhere to go.
Back to bed then.:rolleyes:


Well-known member
Exhausted trying to think up clever, semi-poetic ways to describe just how monumentally sh*t I feel right now. It doesn’t matter how I dress it up; I’m a f**king loser and that’s all that matters.
I'm feeling pretty good.

I'm really happy cuz, 30 OCT I will perform some songs on stage!
My dad and his band will perform, and he asked me to sing too! Yay :D
I did this many times before so i know things will go good and its kind of my safe zone because its my dad and his band xD,
But I will be anxious around the people in the place,
Because ''many people around me'' Drives me anxious,
But when I'm on stage I feel good, because I can sing!!!
I just look into the lights, so that I don't see the people ;)
I'm just trying to do my best.. But it's still hard with SA..
But I'm going to do it!!
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Well-known member
I am wiped out. Woke up to find a puppy dieing of low glucose. She was playing with me yesterday afternoon and was fine last night. Though I am tired,all is better now. Well, until I get the bill from the veterinarian.


Well-known member
Really finding it hard to live right now, if not impossible. I mean... what the hell. I can never begin to describe how sick I am of this planet.
A little frustrated. I'm trying to explain to someone that his genital size doesn't matter, for the thousandst time!

It frustrates me when people can't see past their own qualities because of some shallow opinion about themselves. I know, that's probably a hypocritical thing to say.