How are you feeling?


I shut down my facebook recently,as it just reminds me constantly of what I'm missing out on.There was one or two people I liked keeping in touch with on there,but we seemed to be slowly drifting apart anyway and I don't blame them.

I have been working really hard on therapy and cbt recently..and I think I have made progress,but Idk.. I'm not sure what use any of it is,I don't feel like a nice person and my anxiety getting better isn't going to change that.I'm starting to wonder if I am just meant to be a loner.
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Staff member
I've been gradually exterminating people on facebook too, I'm down to close freinds and family now (almost).

The place breeds ignorance, it's cheaper that texting though
Man.. I don't even know how to use facebook.. Lol I've an account and some friends, but never managed to figure out how the more detailed operations that kids these days seem to know. Like sometimes messages appear in my email inbox and they're obviously chatting about something I'm totally not related to. If so, why do the messages appear in my emails.. hmm..


Like sometimes messages appear in my email inbox and they're obviously chatting about something I'm totally not related to. If so, why do the messages appear in my emails.. hmm..

Facebook can be quite invasive...sounds like your account is set up to email you every time people update their status and stuff.You can turn email notifications off if you don't want them :)


Well-known member
sick of having suicidal thoughts everyday...
sick of feeling ugly...
sick of feeling unliked...
sick of school...
sick of feeling trapped...
You only live once and you have to waste it doing **** you don't want to do. whoever made up such a concept, I hope they had a slow painful death.


Well-known member
some guy i barely met came up to me and said, "hey. it's my favorite retarded friend." (context: i'm a 30 year old adult in professional attire. we weren't formally introduced, we were just near each other the night before. this guy is a friend of friend but a stranger to me.)

i am trying to convince myself he was referring to someone behind me. it is possible but i really thought he was talking to me. who says that? i know i am socially retarded but this guy out-socially-retards me if he openly speaks so crudely to people.

and YES, if it makes me retarded, i would much rather hang out with fun, cute children than mingle with the likes of predictable, boring, drugged up meatheads who think they are too cool for school and look like a walking std.
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