How are you feeling?


CBT, doctor mentioned this to me. Does it work?

Feeling? I am fine.

It's supposed to be on of the most effective treatments for anxiety.But it is very hard and you will have to put yourself into anxiety provoking situations a lot,identify your negative thought patterns in these situations,and try and challenge them.

But yeah I think it works,but it's hard slow work,I'm glad your feeling fine btw.


Paranoid and so confused ::(: I'm scared to talk, scared not to talk, scared of making mistakes, scared every time the phone rings or I get a text or email. I think peope are screwing with my head and it's not fair ::(: I don't know what I'm meant to do and I feel like I'm breaking down ::(:

I don't know what's making you feel like this,but maybe you can cut contact with anyone toxic to be around or screwing with your head.Don't give them the satisfaction of affecting your life.

Also remember anyone who knows you and is friends with you won't judge you,you shouldn't be scared of making mistakes after all were only human and we make them time to time.

Again I don't really understand the situation your in,but remember what you want and think is important too in deciding what your meant do do,don't let other people pressure you to the point it makes you ill, which is sort of sounds like what is maybe happening.
I'm feeling so
ing useless right now. I can't do anything anymore. Seriously.
xD lol. I meant aliens from outer space! Anyway, I'm not completely lonely, I live with some people. Just my "need" and desire for a girl is unbearable. Everytime I see a beautiful girl, I am so intrigued by her beauty and find myself fantasizing about what it's like to run my fingers through her hair or touch her soft cheeks. Or look at her straight in her beautiful eyes!

I think God made women just to torture us. Seriously, if there were no women, I'd be happier :D. God's sense of humor is even crazier than yours, coyote ;)
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