How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I'm freaking out a little bit. I feel so ****ed up that I won't ever get better again. I can comb through my head and so many things are wrong with my perception that I don't know how it could be possible for me to ever feel happy. My girlfriend was talking to me today and rather than listening I was worrying about how to listen and what kind of body language I was giving off, as per the usual symptoms of social phobia. Gah, I don't even remember how to listen when that ****ing flux of cortisol floods my prefrontal cortex. Or at all really, anymore. Oh well. A hot bath will make me feel better.

Anthem of the Angels

Well-known member
Really bad. This evening I went out with a bunch of friends which I haven't seen in quite a while, and ever since I came home something's been bothering me. I wish I knew what. I'm feeling terrible, it's not giving me peace, I couldn't even fall asleep. Damn!


Well-known member
I'll grass him up, I didn't struggle at work all my life with SA and pay tax and national insurance so scum could leech the system when there is nothing wrong with them and they have the gall to work on the side! :mad:

I had kids but I did not fiddle the system, I pulled my weight

I think this kind of things happen a lot,I am of the opinion that only mentaly or physically handicapped and their responsable should get help,others should be helped/suported to get a job or even a job in a special environment,sure they could make or help with something.
I barely went to the store and it was a harrowing experience, sucking the life out of me. Also, my new scars (which are in plain sight if I'm not wearing a long-sleeved shirt) are making me much more self-conscious, constantly wondering who spotted them and what they're thinking.
I'm anxious cuz i invited a gitl, foreigner to go out, we have been arranging it, but we never did yet and i think we will now and im rly scared, but i need to do it :)


Well-known member
im happy i can do my weight lifting again my ribs dont hurt so much , just done a work out now dinner is chicken and rice :)
Apathetic. I look like Shrek today (not even Fiona ::(:) hate summer and gorgeous, thin, tanned girls ::(:

sweetie, u r thin.. and about tanned..I must say im whiter than michael jackson and im proud of it, ppl have said it reminds them of ancient beauty..
everyone's tanned, why'd u have to be, be an exception, therefore be special.. :)


Well-known member
Anxiety is passing. Now I'm wholly looking forward to tonight's "show."

But I really hope it doesn't suck....



Well-known member
what show would that be?

A friend and I are going to see the live broadcast of the Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, and Anthrax show at a local movie theater.

But I've never seen a concert in a movie theater before, hence the hope that it doesn't suck. Still, with those bands....



Well-known member
I want to see my friend so badly I'm so lonely, but every time I try to met with her and we can't I get this slight feeling of happiness....I'm so lonely....I need to let me be myself so badly!