How are you feeling?


Well-known member
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Everyone feels the same here. How do we heal, please tell me that one? How do we not feel like this? I'll make the effort, just tell me!
well I'm drugged.. but the pain is still here.. the day was horrible, and I feel hopeless..
they say u can beat it, but when u come in a social situation u see how f up u r, and there is no hope :/


Well-known member
Feelin' a little down. I have no life, so I've got nothing to do or to look forward to. Feelin' a little left out in life. A little too alone.


Well-known member
I'm depressed being on here....I haven't been on here for awhile and I truly and deeply miss everyone on here from when I was active, ya'll lifted my spirits now I feel like and outsider and I truly want to cry cause I reminisce on all the great friends I had on here. Love yall


Well-known member
apathetic and cynical ::(:

Ahh, that's now way to live although I feel the same way at the moment, just BELIEVE that today will be good and don't let anything knock you down. one emotion I feel is empathy for all of you struggling. Things will get better, and believe me I'm better from where I first started when I joined this site but I feel alone today...actually it's depressing because I was thinking bout a special person I met on here and I hope that person is doing good. I guess I'm just going through a really really hard time since my best friend left and I'm stuck alone but I never express it, I act like I'm high and mighty and doing good when some days I'm just crying inside and want to be loved.....


Well-known member
Hey Raider!:) I remember you! How have you been!? I am sorry to here that you are feeling depressed being here::(: There are definitely members still here that were here when you were last active, even though they may not be on at this very moment.:) Hang in there, they will come online sooner or later...

I remember you too, how have you been? I just remember feeling so loved here and wanted......even though we all go through struggles I would like to help each and every one you all, I honestly love you all and I never met any of you, but yeah I'm back and I tried to leave here for good becuase I thought it did more harm than good but things haven't been great, I've been better but not great and I've missed people on here lol. Been lonely kinda without this community and all that people that understand what I'm going through becuase ppl on the outside don't really know and I've been working hard to adapt but my passion is helping you all if I can.


Well-known member
You don't want to hear how I am going Raider, it will only make you more depressed!!LOL::p::rolleyes:......I totally know what you mean about missing the community here and being able to talk to people who actually understand what we are going through! I think the longest I have gone without coming in here since I joined, was 2 days last December!!::eek::
I am glad you have come back Raider, you always made helpful posts.:)

Lol I don't mind. I left for personal reasons but I'm stronger than I was before and even though I'm back now I'm not coming back only for me, I'm coming back for you all. Honestly you or anybody else can PM me about anything and I hope whatever your going through passes like a cool breeze becuase you are better than that and deserve to have a good day, you should feel proud of yourself anyway, you amde me feel welcome lol.


@Ahimsa.Sorry you feel that bad,though those words feel kind of hollow and not enough.I really hope things start changing for the better for you.

I feel kind if weird,I had another disturbing dream this morning and they always mess my thinking up for the day.Since I have been working on my sleeping pattern and getting up at times suitable for a human,I've noticed I'm having horrible dreams a lot.Wonder if it's the meds :confused:
i'm feeling a little guilty at the fact i come on here to vent and forget to reply to or post comments. I think ive become very selfish lately and i'm sorry for that. Promise ill get round to replying to the comments. Miss ye! x