How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I had a dream that I was declined.
I will not explain the strange part because it would be confusing.
When I have dreams about things like that, it's usually the opposite.
But still, I don't know yet, I have to wait and see.
I went to see my sister's X-ray(?) video of her baby yesterday. I feel kind of proud of her, she, like us, had to endure allot of crap from my brother in the past. Yet she has a good job, a boyfriend that is just awesome, a beautiful home with a view that is as green as can be, and a daughter on the way. ~W~

So, yeah.. ^W^


Well-known member
Feeling bad atm.

I lost a filling over the weekend and the dentist can't see me until Thursday, I have to be careful how I eat for another 4 days. ::(:

I'm also hating on my stepson...the selfish irresponsible turd of a human being. The car and insurance is in his mother name and the butt monkey doesn't pay his car payment and insurance. In behind over $1000 at the moment. For some reason asking for the payment makes us bad people but he can still afford to get movies and get drunk :confused:. He claims he has other bills....he owes his mother first. I honestly don't care if he lives or dies. At least dead he isn't a PITA. Maybe he'll get drunk and drive off a cliff. As long as an innocent person isn't involved I don't care.


Well-known member
I thought you meant something else when you wrote 'drilling'. lol Anyway...I'm actually not afraid of getting my teeth drilled and I don't think there will be any drilling going on.

oh trust me they always say that :) then your strapped in the chair and the drill comes out :eek:


Fuming,lent one of my "mates" 70 quid just after Christmas.Still waiting for it,just went round to find him putting away a monthly shop and he still claims he has no money to give me.

I wouldn't mind but him and his missus work (and he claims benefits..) just.Sad how when the shoe is on the other foot you find out who your true friends are.I seriously wanted to kick off but he has kiddies in the house and I would like to think I'm above that sort of stuff,still gets me angry as hell though.


Staff member
Yeah..he even has the cheek to copy my illness when he get's assessed.Very tempting but he has two kids and I don't think I could grass him up.Though it does add to my fury the fact people like him abuse the system and therefor makes it harder for the people who really need it.

I'll grass him up, I didn't struggle at work all my life with SA and pay tax and national insurance so scum could leech the system when there is nothing wrong with them and they have the gall to work on the side! :mad:

I had kids but I did not fiddle the system, I pulled my weight


Well-known member
Feeling like crap, my 2yr old had a fall and is now on her way to A&E with her daddy
:( yeah hope everything's ok. when i was 2 i jumped off the bed and hit my head on the tiled floor and i had to go A&E. i think i was fine after though lol :)


Well-known member
I also hope everything turns out well :)
and if they arent calling,it;s probably cuz it isnt bad news :)

i think is because the hospital they have taken her 2 has a waiting time of up to 4 hours.. so they are prob sitting waiting to be seen..


Well-known member
Feeling tired and sore. Lost my internet so i won't get to be on here as much but I am happy that I got a new phone even though I barley use it.