How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Well the BBQ sucked :(
is It possible to show signs of selective mutism like after early childhood like showing signs once your in middle school because that's when I stopped speaking almost anywhere outside my house and I've begun to notice that it has t gotten any better?
I plan on asking my therapist this but if anyone here knows I'd like to know
I'm ok atm.. bro just came from cleveland.. he's grouchy, has jet lag:p
but im glad he;s loyal guard dog barled at him after not seeing him for 20 days :p
I'm actually very worried bout the future :/
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Well-known member
I am kinda remembering what just happened,I bumped on this old lady while checking out this cute japa girl.:D


Well-known member
Hope you feel better soon, pink.:)

As for me, I'm neutral. : | Had a weird sort of day, but it wasn't too bad.


Well-known member
try not to worry, that's most important. take this as a new great opportunity to get help!! :)

Thanks for the encouragement::eek:: Im trying but easier said than done, I have this irrational fear that he will think I am lying! layer that on my normal sa :eek::eek:
I hate myself so much ::(: I'm pouring out so much pathetic, self pitying crap on here to strangers because I'm in so much pain and I don't know what else to do and I have no one. It's just making me feel more disgusted with myself though ::(:

Aw, you shouldn't feel disgusted for wanting some well deserved comfort and kindness. It is only human, Ahimsa. ^W^

For whatever it's worth, I don't think you're pathetic at all. Instead of bottling the loneliness and frustration up, you have the bravery to make yourself vulnerable and reach out. And frankly, that takes guts. I admire that about you. ~WO


Well-known member
The man I love and thought I'd spend the rest of my life with despises me and my heart is in pieces. I had a glimpse of this wonderful future and now it's gone and it's my own stupid fault. I don't want to carry on without him ::(: I don't know how to deal with feeling this much pain

If it's any comfort, you're not the first to tread this ground.

You can make it, too!


Well-known member


Hate how my mom do something on the computer when I'm logged in and away from it.
I swear she is just trying to see what I'm doing.
I believe she has a laptop in her room.
What's wrong with it?


Well-known member
Very Sad I found that the first and only girl who was ever really nice to me while I was in school and being bullied may be pregnant and she's only 17 she is very smart intelligent and could have a very bright future I hope she doesn't fall into the same trap so many young girls I've seen fall into and stop with their education. She is too nice for this too happen to her.